The Books that Lead to Healing my Mind, Body, and Spirit!

In the summer of 2017 I decided to get back into reading books again, not for a school assignment, but for myself. I considered it an act of self care as I was nourishing my mind with self-help books. I used to be an avid reader as a child, (and I know this may happen some people) but after demands of school work heightened in middle school, my love for reading dwindled.

Now all the books I am going to recommend were recommended to me by the lightworkers in the menu above ^ so I am going to carry on the legacy of spreading wisdom and knowledge. You are here reading this today because something within you brought you here innately and you want to heal! SO EXCITING!

All 6 books helped me work through and balance my emotions, understand what my anxieties were and how to keep them in check. They have taught me how to live a stress free life in a stressful world and lead a healthier lifestyle via diet, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, journaling etc.

  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle focuses on training the brain to becoming present so you do not worry about the past as it no longer exists or the future as it has not yet happened. Daily stresses are inevitable, this book really teaches you how to stay happy and unscathed during those times.
  • A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan is essentially a book version of an appointment with Dr. Kelly Brogan. She writes about overcoming depression, anxiety, hormone imbalances, autoimmune disorders, and coming off of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications safely, holistically via diet and lifestyle. Don’t let the word “women” in the title stop the men from reading this book, this book can help everyone. She even gives you a meal plan with recipes!
  • Warrior Goddess Training by Heatherash Amara focuses on dealing with childhood traumas that are possibly stunting our growth in adulthood. It has exercises in the chapters that help understand how our parents are our inner voices and cutting ancestral traumas now so we do not pass it on! It also changed my mindset on the ladies “time of the month” from a dreadful time to a sacred one.
  • The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer taught me that we are not our thoughts, that we are the observer of our thoughts (our higher selves). He describes our thoughts and emotions as energy, and once you realize that, its quite easy to not associate with negative thoughts or emotions.
  • Super Brain by Deepak Chopra is a manual on rewiring the brain. Our brain is a muscle and just like we can build our biceps, we can build our brain however we want, neuroplasticity.
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra was the book that confirmed all the other books. If anyone is a skeptic on living a peaceful, stress-free life by simply changing your mindset and beliefs, read this! This book taught me that we always have 2 choices, to either stay where we are, in the place where we so desperately no longer want to be in, or we can choose to do something different, we can change. We are in control of our own lives!

It took me 2 years to read these books. So no rush, enjoy the spiritual journey! It’s eye opening, scary, exciting, and over anything else, awakening!