My Podcast Recommendations!

Podcasts are a great way to learn about any subject from other people for FREE!! It’s like joining a conversation between 2 or 3 people without actually being there! Everyone now has their own podcast because it’s uncensored so the host’s can say whatever comes to mind, they can be themselves and usually it’s very intelligent information with equal parts of comedy. Here is a list of my favorite podcasts that I listen to while I’m at work or while I’m a passenger in a car:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience was the first one I started listening to and he led me to Dr. Kelly Brogan, life changer! Joe Rogan is a comedian himself but a very intelligent man and he interviews everyone from scientists, actors, business people, doctors, the list goes on. Its a very versatile podcast and you’ll definitely learn things listening to him and his guests.
  2. Alien Theorists Theorizing is a conspiracy theory podcast but it’s hilarious!! Its 4 guys just adding their opinions to crazy conspiracy theories. I got addicted to this one and listened to all their episodes at work.
  3. Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard is a really good one because he interviews a lot of famous celebrities and you get to hear/see them at their deepest, it’s like you’re in the room with them so you’re getting to know your favorite celebrities on a personal level.
  4. Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose is a podcast on becoming your highest self spiritually, finding your soul, Ayurveda, connecting with your inner Goddess, meditation, the universe, etc. Her podcast is up in my menu if you would like to check her out, I love her podcast THAT MUCH!
  5. Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser is an awesome health podcast, you can learn about the gut microbiome, ancestral dental health, asthma and allergies, treating PTSD with MDMA, Hashimotos disease, SIBO, IBS, functional medicine, etc. I found him through The Joe Rogan Experience and I was hooked. The best part is that his podcasts are around an hour so you get a quick dose of knowledge!
  6. Expand Your Awareness with Aaron Doughty is another spiritual podcast. He teaches you tricks to become more aware, he is all about parallel realities, past lives, different dimensions, aliens, etc. He is also up in my menu if you want watch his youtube videos, that where I began!
  7. The Life Stylist Podcast with Luke Storey is a good one I found through Sahara Rose’s Highest Self Podcast. He was a drug addict that overcame his addiction holistically and now he is a biohacker. He talks about LSD, ayahuasca, nootropics, human optimatization, he pretty much talks about being a super human, supplementing to achieve ultra strength, focus, and concentration.
  8. Tiger Belly with Bobby Lee is a comedy podcast with comedian Bobby Lee and his girlfriend Khalyla. They interview other comedians, and a bunch of other famous people. I learned a lot from listening to the episode with Dr. Drew!
  9. This Past Weekend with Theo Von is hilarious!! I love love love this one, he just says the funniest things about random current events.
  10. Congratulations with Chris D’elia is also a comedy podcast, he is just like Theo Von and adds his own opinions to current events.