Emotions Store In Your Organs!

Last week I wrote about how chronic pain in your body may be linked to your emotional state of mind. This week I take it further and dive into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the science that says different emotions store in different organs within your body. So think twice when you want to dwell in sadness or rage out in anger because your organs are keeping count and eventually chronic inflammation within those organs will manifest into chronic illness.

  • stress and frustration will affect your brain health
  • tension is stored in your neck and spine
  • lack of trust will affect your thyroid health
  • fear and worry affects the heart & kidneys
  • sadness is stored in the lungs
  • anxiety manifests into digestive issues
  • anger is stored in the liver & gallbladder
  • the sympathetic nervous system of “fight or flight” will affect the adrenal glands
  • feelings of guilt affect the spleen

A major life lesson that has stuck with me is “stress isn’t the problem, it’s how we react to it”. Stress is inevitable, life is stressful but we can alleviate any bodily harm our emotions can cause by noticing them at its source. When we feel the start of an emotional reaction, we can observe how it makes our body’s feel in that very moment. This is triggering the awareness within ourselves, we are becoming mindful of our bodily sensations.

To release inner anger that is stored in the liver, eat leafy greens like spinach and kale, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. These foods will detoxify the liver from heavy metals, pesticides, and any toxic chemicals. Eating apples and beets will provide the liver with nutrients while also detoxifying the blood. Eating whole foods allow the liver to self-repair.

Have a wonderful week! Remember to keep tabs on those emotional ups and downs and instead of identifying with it, just simply observe it and allow it to pass. Don’t allow it to store in your organs!

Skin Mapping

Skin mapping was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, so this technique of determining ones’ health was used over 5,000 years ago. The concept is that various parts of the face is a mirror of the health of your internal organs. So while we have a society that uses face masks, lotions, potions and elixirs to fade away wrinkles, blemishes, and pimples, it’s important to look beyond the surface of the skin and treat the underlying causes of a particular skin condition. Skin is our largest organ and it also communicates with our internal organs, therefore, looking at different regions of the face may help you target the specific organ that is trying to communicate with you.

The forehead is connected to the liver and gallbladder. When there are blemishes or pimples in this area consider your diet, are you consuming excess fats or too much alcohol? Balance your body by reducing rich fatty foods and alcohol; drink herbal teas and plenty of water. Milk thistle and burdock root are herbal supplements that support liver and gallbladder detox.

The area between the eyebrows is connected to the stomach and liver. Blemishes in this area could be an indicator of poor digestion and toxic buildup. Consider an elimination diet to rule out any allergies or food intolerance’s. Reducing caffeine, alcohol and sugar consumption and implementing a cleanse may improve digestion.

Acne at the temples and brow lines correlate to the kidneys. It could be caused by overworked kidneys or dehydration. Drink lots of water according to your body weight (I drink 55 oz for 108-110 lbs) and add foods like kale, spinach, berries, and algae (spirulina & chlorella) to your diet.

The area under your eyes where most people have puffiness and dark circles represents conditions of the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Consider reducing alcohol, caffeine, and sugar or removing them entirely. Its vital to get quality sleep, drink ample amounts of water and add detox teas to your diet.

Acne or rashes like rosacea that are found on the bridge of the nose and the upper area of the cheeks are related to the heart. Balance your heart health by replacing unhealthy unsaturated fats with healthy omega fatty acids like raw nuts, avocados, salmon, and flax/chia seeds to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

The middle region of the cheeks is a window to the stomach and lungs. Consider common allergens like wheat and dairy and reduce acid forming food like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar from the diet. Instead replace it with alkalizing foods like green vegetables.

Wrinkles and breakouts in the lower cheeks, nose, and mouth region are connected to the liver and stomach as well, these may be caused by food intolerance’s and toxic buildup. Eating green vegetables and whole foods with fiber, eliminating artificial ingredients, and drinking vegetable juices may support the liver and stomach.

The jawline is a window to the ovaries and/or colon. Breakouts are usually triggered by hormonal stress. Consider a low-glycemic diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Sleep is also very important in keeping stress levels at bay.

The lymph nodes are stress level indicators. When they are swollen they are fighting off bacteria to prevent an illness. Practice self-care routines to bring down stress levels emotionally and physically, eat a balanced diet, get extra rest, and light exercise in the form of yoga and meditation.

References: Integrative Nutrition

Primary vs. Secondary Emotions

What are emotions? Of course we know when we are emotional we are feeling one of the following – anger, fear, joy, sadness, love, and/or surprise. However, does anyone ever question what is occurring in our bodies when we are feeling emotional? Why do we feel this way? Emotions are physiological responses to situations, simply meaning, our bodies are releasing hormones so WE FEEL in our bodies what our minds are creating and thinking.

When we observe our negative emotions, it allows us to recognize what is happening internally (mentally & physically) so we can heal ourselves from what bothers us, the behaviors that have paved us to be the way we are. We can control our emotions if we are mindful! For every primary emotion contains a secondary emotion which will make us feel a physical sensation within our bodies. This includes feeling hot blooded, sweaty, shaking, excitement, shortness of breath etc… This is when our bodies are releasing hormones such as adrenaline, dopamine and cortisol.

The secondary emotions to anger:

  • irritability
  • resentment
  • rage
  • disgust
  • envy (jealousy)
  • misery

The secondary emotions to fear:

  • nervousness
  • worry
  • anxiety
  • worthlessness
  • depression
  • guilt

The secondary emotions to joy:

  • cheerfulness
  • contentment
  • pride
  • optimism
  • relief
  • enthusiasm
  • fascination

The secondary emotions to sadness

  • suffering
  • hopelessness
  • disappointment
  • shame
  • neglect
  • sympathy

The secondary emotions to love

  • affection
  • lust
  • longing

The secondary emotions to surprise

  • amazement
  • astonishment

Have a wonderful week!!!

What Is Soda Doing To You?

I was an obsessive soda drinker when I was a kid, I never ever drank water because “I didn’t like that it had no taste!” I was addicted to the sugar, I would finish three 12 packs of Mountain Dew in college during a 3 week winter break, that’s 36 cans!! I would go out to dinner, drink a Coke, hang out with friends, drink the available soda. One year I went to the dentist and she asked me why my teeth were so soft, my answer… I just got back from vacation and the only thing I drank was Coke. So what exactly was that soda doing to my body?

What I am writing about doesn’t happen after drink 1-2 carbonated sugar beverages, its takes years and years of soda abuse to incur all these health challenges.

  • Drinking soda compromises the metabolic system, it can increase the risk of diabetes. A can of soda usually has 50% of sugar in it, that is way over the daily limit we need.
  • Sodas contain BVO (brominated vegetable oil) which is a chemical linked to skin rashes and nerve disorders.
  • The phosphates, phosphoric and citric acid in a can of soda increases the shelf life, however, its decreases bone density and leads to accelerated aging. It also alters the pH balance in the mouth, leading to permanent dental enamel erosion.
  • Soda increases triglycerides which leads to atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries, which could eventually lead to heart attack or failure.
  • Diet sodas contain the artificial sweetener, aspartame, which is linked to cancer. It also contains dyes such as Yellow & Red 5 etc., which is toxic to brain cells.

I eventually had to stop drinking soda like a fiend, I was dehydrated and felt like crap all the time. Now I try to consume 55 oz of water according to my weight and when I do drink soda, it hurts to drink so I DO NOT miss it at all! Have a good week yall 🙂

The Benefits of Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it absorbs into the bloodstream in the presence of fats. Some good fats to include in a balanced well nutritious meal would be:

Coconut oil and other fresh coconut products

Olives and olive oil

Hemp, chia, flax, and sunflower seeds


Salmon, trout, herring, sardines, tuna and mackerel

Nuts and nut butters (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, etc.)

Dark chocolate


Grass-fed beef and pork

Full fat milk and yogurt

There are many health benefits to having an abundance of vitamin K in your diet, it allows for better calcium absorption, which is vital for bone health (reduces osteoporosis). It improves cardiovascular (heart) health, reduces the risk of cancer, and provides relief from menstrual issues. However, the most important benefit of vitamin K is its role in controlling blood clotting, preventing blood loss, and blood sugar regulation.

No need to hit the supplement store for a bottle of vitamin K, just head over to the grocery store and pick up 1 or 2 of these fruits and vegetables to implement into your daily diet!


Napa cabbage


Brussel sprouts

Green pears & apples

Green beans & cabbage

Broccoli rabe

Green grapes & kiwi

Arugula & kale

Asparagus & artichokes

Honeydew melon

Belgian endive

Broccoli & celery

Eating 50% raw foods and 50% cooked foods is recommended as many nutrients are lost when exposed to heat. Make salads with an olive oil and lemon dressing, eat fruits for breakfast prior to eating a protein source like eggs! It’s rare to be vitamin K deficient, but for optimal cognitive health, immunity protection, and a regulated menstrual flow, check out The Benefits of Mr. Kite (for the Beatles fans!) benefits of vitamin k!

Is Your Sleep at Night Adequate?

We live in a chaotic world that has forgotten the importance of sleep for optimal health, most people are constantly on the go for work, pulling all nighters to study for exams, or dealing with stress which can lead to insomnia. Insomnia affects 70 million people, and many people are reaching for stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks during the day and using relaxants such as alcohol and sleep medications (prescriptions) or supplements like melatonin or valerian root to wind down at night. This is a vicious cycle that can create an unhealthy dependency which can ultimately lead to gaining weight, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritability, anxiety, digestive issues, and even risks for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

We need to remember it’s okay to rest and to give our bodies a break! When we sleep our organs are recovering from working all day, tissues are repairing, and if you do heavy lifting, your muscles repair and protein synthesizes during sleep. Hormones that regulate appetite control such as ghrelin and leptin, stress, growth, and metabolism are released as well. Most importantly, when we sleep our memories are processed and consolidated, this allows for more memory storage which is vital for learning new information. So in addition to sleep affecting the mind- focus and creativity- it also affects the body and immune system.

Adults 18 years and older need between 7-9 hours of sleep a night, if you are younger you need more!!! To achieve restful sleep, eat your lightest meal in the evening consisting of protein and healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, ghee, salmon are just some examples). This stabilizes blood sugar levels and avoids an insulin spike and crash cycle. Limit sugar consumption and do not drink caffeine after 2pm.

Your environment plays a huge role in deep sleep, keeping your bedroom clutter free, using calm/cool colors and good smells like essential oils decreases stressful energy. Removing all electronic devices is major because they all emit blue light which affects your body’s natural production of the hormone melatonin. This includes TVs, computers, tablets, and laptops, (this one is hard I know, it took me 27 years to finally give my TV the boot!) Blue light also leads to premature macular degeneration so use a bluelight filter if you can! Electromagnetic radiation is a serious thing guys, put your phones on airplane mode when you’re sleeping and keep it as far away from you as possible.

Reducing light and sound exposure is crucial for deep sleep. Creating a bed time routine which consists of sleeping at the same time every night and limiting technology and artificial light is also helpful for our circadian rhythms! Reading a book, journaling when those nagging thoughts occur, yoga, stretching, meditation, and deep breathing are some ways to get the body to relax at night instead of keeping it stimulated with light!

These are all lifestyle changes for sure, no need to do them all at once, but implementing them slowly will make a difference!

How to Make Pickles!!

I have always been a lover of pickles in any form, spicy dill pickles, fried pickles, pickles on my burger, even Indian pickles but that’s a whole other blog post HAHA So like most people who didn’t even think of how to make home made pickles I would just buy a jar of dill pickles and just throw that thing into my fridge!! Little did I know that these spears of joy I was consuming was not benefiting me in anyway. First off, store bought pickles contain preservatives such as citric acid, sodium benzoate, polysorbate 80, yellow #5, calcium chloride, natural flavors, and sugar, obviously to maintain an extended shelf-life (or refrigerator-life). I don’t know or want any of those ingredients, considering it only takes 5 ingredients to make. The preservatives prevent the probiotics from actually serving any purpose, they cease to exist. When I found out about this, I had to put my knowledge to the test, I wanted to consume living foods with prana (energy), this is what gives us energy and helps repopulate and heal the gut microbiota.

Recently I learned how to make pickles and sauerkraut, which is so simple and takes about 5 minutes to prepare. They contain an abundance and variety of probiotics as well, if anyone is ever questioning which kind of probiotic to get from the store, what kind of strain? How many CFUs? Skip the hassle and eat your creation!! I wanted to first make my own batch to make sure it didn’t kill me before I shared it with all you loyal knowledge seekers! My parents and my friend can also agree that they were [what us American’s say] THE BOMB!!! As you can tell I am so excited about this post because they really turned out way better than I had expected and I could hands down say as a Master of Pickles that they tasted so much better than any store bought pickle I have had in my life time. So I would like to share this magnificent discovery with everyone.

5 Ingredients: Using a 32oz mason jar

  • mini cucumbers cut into quarters
  • 1 tbsp pink Himalayan salt
  • 1 tbsp pickling seasoning
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • filtered water
  • (optional) 1 tsp red chili flakes for spicy pickles YUM!

Put the quartered mini cucumbers into the jar, add garlic, the 1tbsp of pink Himalayan salt and pickling seasoning, fill with filtered water to the top. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! Now just leave it sitting out on the counter for 10-15 days. I left mine out for 10 days and they went through periods of cloudiness and fizziness but do not be alarmed that is just part of the process!!! I went through a panic when I wasn’t able to get into my pickles jar so OPEN AND CHECK THEM EVERYDAY the jar might be hard to open as it ferments longer and longer. Once you are ready to eat your home made probiotics just put them into the fridge as the temperature now slows now the fermentation. The pictures below show day 1 (left), day 5 (middle), and day 10 (right) after refrigeration.

Voila! Making pickles is that simple with no preservatives and they last in the fridge for a long time as well. I ate about 3 a day since they were amazing and gave some away so they lasted about 4-5 days after I began eating them. They were in the fridge for 10 days while I was on vacation in Europe dancing the night away! No one died in the making of these pickles!!! You can create your own make and model of probiotic enriched pickles!

Have a wonderful weekend!!! Happy pickling!!!