Skipping Breakfast Part 2

I’m back with part 2 of the skipping breakfast series. Here is part 1 if you need a recap! What else could happen if we skip breakfast?

It may cause irregular periods and worsen PMS symptoms. During these times its best to know which foods to eat and avoid to lessen those symptoms. (Blog on that coming out soon!)

It may increase obesity risk as it can lead to unhealthy cravings and binge eating during other meals. It can also increase the risk of hypoglycemia and cause a limitation of our daily fiber intake.

I’m not trying to scare you into thinking it is all negative if you skip breakfast. If done in a healthy way, intermittent fasting is a great way to get your body into ketosis (burning fat for energy). It activates autophagy which is the body’s natural pathway for clearing out cellular debris. Benefits to intermittent fasting include anti-aging, weight loss, and it can also regulate blood glucose levels.

It is all about what you choose to eat, eating a breakfast that is filled with sugar and white flour should be limited. Cereal, pancakes, waffles, and donuts are foods that lack adequate nutrition, and these foods don’t contain protein and are rich in simple carbohydrates that digest quickly causing hunger to happen more frequently. This can lead to unhealthy snacking choices. Foods that are rich in protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats are foods that will promote satiety until lunch time, which can help avoid overeating throughout the day.

What Can You Do To Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

What Foods Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder that is caused by the brain shrinking and brain cells dying. It’s the most common type of dementia and affects 5.8 million people aged 65 + in America. It leads to progressive cognitive decline and memory loss. Being a holistic health coach, I’m all about that prevention method, there may be no cure for Alzheimer’s disease but there is a way to prevent it from happening to you or your loved ones!

What are the 4 key factors for a healthy brain?

  1. Diet and supplementation
  2. Stress management
  3. Exercise
  4. Spiritual fitness

A holistic approach to any disease is viewing the imbalances throughout the entire body. Nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation should all be taken into consideration. American’s have a processed diet high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and salt. This leads to numerous health issues including hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease to name a few.

These foods are all part of an anti-inflammatory diet which will help your body in other ways as well! Replacing unhealthy foods with healthier options is the easiest way to start eating healthier. 

  • Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, it provides the body with the phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to boost brain health.
  • Quality proteins such as pasture raised chicken and/or grass-fed beef
  • Healthy fats such as omega-3 which can be found in salmon, nuts, and seeds
  • Complex carbs such as sweet potatoes and other non-starchy vegetables as well as grains like quinoa and barley
  • Fiber (include prebiotic foods into your diet to feed gut bacteria)
  • Anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric

Sugar Addiction!

How many people know that sugar is a real addiction?! Our ancestors did not have access to as much sugar as we have to today. Sugar is everywhere and it’s honestly scary what it’s doing to our society. Brain scans show the dopamine release of a cocaine user and high sugar consumer –an obese person, and the results are not that shocking. Sugar and cocaine do look similar so why wouldn’t they have the same effect on the brain? So if you think you don’t do drugs, think again… you are getting the same dopamine release through SUGAR!!!

Artificial sugar is toxic, inflammatory, and it has 0 benefits for our body, it actually hurts our immune system. Just consider how much sugar you consume in 1 single day! How many spoons of sugar do you put in your coffee? 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4.2 grams of sugar so knowing that you can calculate how much you are consuming. The recommended amount to limit per day is 4 tsp for kid, 5 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men. Anything over this is now just hurting your mind and body. A pillar of good health is awareness, being aware of what you are putting into your body, how much, how it makes you feel etc. Knowing this helps you accommodate for feeling your absolute best.

Replace the sugary juices and sodas for water. There is nothing more refreshing than water!! I grew up never drinking water, I drank a disgusting amount of sugar now that I think back on my childhood years. I drank so much mountain dew, lemonade, Coca-Cola, ugh just thinking about it makes me cringe! I drank so much soda that when I went to the dentist she asked me why my teeth were soft… that was eye opening! Yet I still didn’t change because I had never drank water and I wasn’t going to start now!

It wasn’t until I was 21 that I started drinking water because I would’ve died of dehydration in Ecuador if I didnt! I was building a staircase for a community on a mountain in Esmeralda while on a medical mission trip and I was hauling concrete for hours, if I didn’t drink water because I was craving sugar I would’ve certainly perished!

My issue was that I didn’t like water because it had no taste, that’s where the sugar addiction part comes in. Our brains crave that sugary drink for that hit of dopamine! A good way to convert to a water lover is by almost dying doing what you love HAHA. It was after that life or death experience (or so it seemed!) that made me a water drinker. I try to drink 55oz a day as per recommended for my weight but I have to admit that I don’t always meet the goal. There’s always room for improvement I say!

I still drink lemonade here and there but I am conscious about my water intake now because I can feel my body is more tired and in pain on days that I drink less. Water to me now is so refreshing, I feel alive!!!

Remember sugar just isn’t in beverages, it’s also hidden in A LOT of packaged and processed foods. Always read the ingredient list and nutritional label before you eat or drink anything. Personally I like to know what I’m putting into my body. Here are ways to kick your sugar addiction today!

Breaking Sugar Addiction!

What Happens When You Skip Breakfast? Part 1

I was an avid skipper of breakfast in high school, not because I wanted to but I would have to be there at 7:20am and my tummy was NEVER ready to eat at 6:45am. I bet there are a lot of people that can relate… Now that I reflect back on those times… I can clearly remember starving my entire morning and not giving my full focus to whatever I was learning, I was just waiting for lunch. I didn’t have lunch until 12:12pm, and until then I was just starving myself and I can see how it impacted my motivation to be in school and learn.

Fast forward 10 years… Ever since I became a responsible adult with a full time job I HAVE to eat breakfast, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Breakfast is the fuel that gets me going to have a productive day, to stay focused and it regulated my entire eating schedule to stay energized throughout the day. So what happens when we skip breakfast??? Let’s find out!

When we don’t eat breakfast we increase our chances of getting type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance and hormone regulation. When we are hungry our body releases a hormone called ghrelin, this stimulates our appetites. When we are full, our body releases leptin, which is the satiety hormone and a huge component in weight loss. When we neglect the messages our body is telling us, something is bound to happen. In this case, not giving nourishment to our body with food when it needs it, is like not giving a car gas when it’s about to run out of fuel. Hormonal imbalances are a leading cause of so many other diseases such obesity, autoimmune diseases like type 1 & 2 diabetes, PMS, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are to name a few.

Insulin is a hormone our body uses to convert glucose (a sugar found in carbohydrates) into energy. When we don’t eat food our blood sugar levels drop and obviously we all know what happens when we don’t eat… we get mean! HAHA! Over time our pancreas keep releasing more and more insulin until we become insulin resistant which is when our cells don’t respond to insulin anymore, resulting in type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and high cholesterol levels AKA heart disease.

Another negative side effect of not eating breakfast is increased levels of the stress hormone, cortisol! It also increases acid reflux. When our body feels hungry it releases acid for digestion and if there is no food to digest it’s just going to sit in your gut causing further issues.

As seen with holistic medicine, when one part of the body is affected by disease, it could be linked due to the neglect of another part of the body. So pleaseeee eat breakfast!!! I know it can be hard, I’ve been there and as I made it an everyday routine to eat in the morning it became easier and easier to do. Even something small like fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, (watch out for excess sugar!), or eggs, will get rid of that brain fog, fatigue, lack of concentration and will replace it with lots of energy, motivation and good health!

The Blue Zone Regions Of The World!

Did you know there are 5 cities in the world where the people residing within that community live to be centenarians, that means they live into their 100’s!!! These cities are:

  • Icaria, Greece
  • Okinawa, Japan
  • Nicoya, Costa Rica
  • Loma Linda, California
  • Sardinia, Italy

I learned about the “Blue Zones” while I was taking courses at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and thereafter I kept seeing/reading about it everywhere! What’s unique about these zones, residents only suffer a fraction of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the developed world. The common habits that were shared amongst these individuals were healthier lifestyle choices including spending time outside in nature, gardening, social circles/family engagements, constant moderate physical activity, and no smoking or alcohol.

In addition, these communities practice their faith (spirituality or religion), don’t have a “time urgency”, and also tend to know their life purpose which all in turn directly relate to stress reduction. The diets consist of a plant-based or semi–vegetarian diet, legumes, nuts, soy, whole grains, high polyphenol wine, and turmeric.

So even though we may not live in these geographical regions, or if you do, lucky you! That’s not to say that we can’t pick up these healthy habits and incorporate them into our daily lives to achieve longevity and reduce the rate of chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are high blood pressure (hypertension), certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc. diseases that are preventable!

In Icaria which is a Greek island, the people eat a Mediterranean diet which is rich in olive oil, red wine, and home grown vegetables. In the Ogliastra region of Sardinia, the region is mountainous where the residents work on farms and also consume lots of red wine. In Okinawa, Japan the people eat a lot of soy based foods and practice tai chi (WHICH IS TOTALLY MY JAM!!!), the oldest women in the world live here. In Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica the Nicoyan diet is based around beans and corn tortillas. The residents perform physical jobs into their old age and also have a sense of life purpose known as “plan de vida”. The Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California are a very religious group that are strict vegetarians and live in tight knit communities.

The Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)!

With our technological world advancing rapidly, there is a link between high exposure of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and negative health effects such as cellular damage. First off as human beings we have an invisible electromagnetic field surrounding our bodies, you know this when you get a static shock… we are electric! When we are exposed to fields that interfere with ours, that when our cells start mutating on a genetic level leading to cancer, for example.

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer claims that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic to humans and could lead to a higher risk of various cancers, including leukemia. One of the largest studies involving high exposure of cell phone usage to a brain and spinal cord cancer known as glioma shows that this type of cancer is more often found on the same side of the head that people use to speak on their phones.

Over 2 dozen recent studies suggest that low frequency EMFs may cause neurological and psychiatric problems, causing changes in human nerve function within the body, affecting mood and sleep. Devices that emit low frequency EMFs include microwaves, radars, radios, cell phones, TVs, tablets, computers, computer screens, laptops, electrical power strips, cable boxes, Wi-Fi-routers, Bluetooth devices, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi towers, light dimmers, and powerlines, are only some, X-rays and MRIs emit higher frequency radiation. Constant exposure to these things in our environment and devices on a daily basis build up over time that’s why it is vital to implement grounding devices to protect your immediate area from radiation exposure.

Grounding devices can be expensive, some ways to limit exposure to radiation on a budget is to turn off any power strips in your room while you’re sleeping so the TV, cable box, computer and screen are turned off, put your phone on airplane mode away from your head. Make sure all electronic devices are shut off and put far away from your body, most people use TV to help fall asleep, however, the artificial light emitted from the screen is depleting our melatonin levels (the sleep hormone).

Prolonged exposure over time to these low frequency emitting devices may cause symptoms such as headaches, chronic fatigue, insomnia, issues with memory and concentration, irritability, nausea, weight loss, loss of appetite, anxiety, and depression, and possible changes in electrical brain activity. There isn’t anything to be worried about if you are aware of the concern and you take the steps to reduce exposure. I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists claiming 5G caused Coronavirus, haha but it is important to be aware of what we are exposed to in our environments and what it’s doing to us on a genetic/biological level. If you are interested in creating a completely EMF free zone look up how to create a Faraday Cage.


What is Spiced Buttermilk! How Can It Help Me?

Have you ever heard anyone say that we are spiritual beings having a human experience? That once we physically die, our conscious state (our mind) transforms into another kind of energy because remember Newton’s Law – energy is neither created nor destroyed. To me that means death isn’t the end but rather a transformation and I believe that if we nourish ourselves with food and water from the earth we can achieve a higher state of consciousness, after all we do derive from nature. When we feed our body foods with Prana (life force) our bodies take the extra effort to maintain our health and prevent diseases, we are what we consume. So the Prana I’m talking about are the probiotics found in yogurt, these are living bacteria that provide our guts with little defenders to protect from the bad bacteria!! So if you want to begin giving your body the things it craves such as vitamins and minerals, give buttermilk a try, it’s very easy to make! The ingredients in buttermilk have so many health benefits that it really should be a staple in every household, this ancient Ayurvedic beverage is very hydrating, and it helps with acid reflux, weight loss, it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, improves digestion, and boosts the immune system. Buttermilk contains vitamin B12 which converts glucose into energy, it synthesizes fatty acids and amino acids. It also contains calcium for bone health, iron for those with anemia, and is a great source of vitamin A and potassium. An interesting fact about buttermilk, it has a bioactive protein known as Milk Fat Globule Membrane which is what helps lower cholesterol, but not only that, it also has anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-microbial properties!! This is what I’ll be drinking daily to keep my immunity functioning at its highest level to keep Covid-19 away!!! This is very quick and inexpensive to make and the money you’ll be saving in healthcare costs when you get older will be worth it now!! This fantastic savory beverage from the sub-continent of India is known as lassi in Hindi, chaas in Gujrati, thaak in Konkani, and spiced buttermilk in English!

1 container of organic yogurt

1 inch of ginger

1 small green chili

A pinch of pink Himalayan salt

Blend the above ingredients until smooth

Add few cilantro leaves

Blend again for 10 seconds

For a variation: add ½ tsp cumin seeds and a few peppercorns

Cheers! 🙂 Have a fun Sunday!

Weary About Vaccines? Try Homeoprophylaxis, the Homeopathic Alternative!

In the last 10-15 years there has been more and more information coming out on the risks of vaccinations. At first, the collective seemed like a bunch of anti-vaxers going around smearing that vaccines cause autism but now if you do research about the toxic ingredients in vaccines and the side effects they could possibly cause other than autism is mind boggling! This post isn’t slamming vaccines, I’ve been vaccinated so my fate is sealed in that department, however, I could observe that I have sinus allergies, asthma, eczema, and ADD- like behavior and that could all very well be linked. There are much more health concerns that stem from gastrointestinal health to very possibly autism but you should DEFINETELY look into that yourselves (if you are reading this you are meant to expand your knowledge!!), especially if you’re ever going to have children. The one thing I do have to point out and put out there is that 70 years ago prior to the 1960s there was no nationwide vaccination program, vaccines were not mandatory and for the most part only administered by private practice doctors for an out of pocket cost; in exception to some state and local governments providing funding for local immunization programs. In the 60s there were 3 recommended vaccines for infants til the age of 6: polio, smallpox, and DTP but now in addition to those 3, hepatitis A & B, influenza, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), varicella zoster virus, and rotavirus are given to infants til the age of 6 (there are more, I didn’t include them all!). I should mention that today the media plays a sneaky part in fearing viewers by showing news stories of people dying from the flu and also many places give the flu shot for free… hmmmm….. I sense some pharmaceutical fishery going on here!!!

This post is about the homeopathic alternative to vaccinations, the safer alternative to a pharmaceutical company’s gold mine. It is called homeoprophylaxis and is effective by 90% in clinical studies, the best thing EVER is that it’s a non-injected alternative, I’m sure all babies in the world wouldn’t mind skipping the needle first thing after birth. Immunization against a disease transpires by either contracting the infection and/or by environmental exposure, with homeoprophylaxis a highly diluted nosode (or pellet) can communicate information about a certain disease to the immune system so that the body can make a response after learning the disease. It is essentially stimulating the body’s natural immunity to fight off diseases by exposing the body to the energetic memory of the disease. Major difference here: vaccines contain the actual strain of the disease, the homeopathic alternative does not contain a single molecule of the disease, and instead it contains its frequency, making it the safest method to fight off diseases! This method is administered by placing the pellet under the tongue to dissolve, the doses are spread apart with just one disease at a time, allowing the body to slowly adjust instead of giving too many combinations of vaccines all at once, which could lead to bad side effects.

Once again let me say that if you are reading this, you were brought here because you were called by this topic, it sparked your interest! So let me encourage you to do your own research and spread your knowledge!

Kids From the 21st Century!

We have a whole generation, ranging from infants to teenagers born from the year 2000 and onwards that have grown up with a cellphone or some type of screen in their hand and in front of their face. At my job at an optometrist office, I see parents my age handing their cell phones to their babies in the stroller to keep them entertained during their eye exams. The bright lights off a screen releases dopamine in the brain, that’s the same hormone you release when you eat sugar, do drugs, have sex, eat good foods, it is the pleasure hormone. The instant gratification of how fast everything is on a phone today prevents kids from learning to be patient and wait for what’s important. When it comes time for the parents to take their cell phones back, their kids start screaming, crying, and throwing tantrums because their “drug” has been taken away. Obviously now people are becoming more aware of the chaos that is ensuing so I feel like the people I know have the same mentality as me, keeping a cell phone away from their kid for as long as possible! I didn’t get my cell phone til I was 13 years old.

I was born in 1992 and am so grateful for having the simplicity of the 90s, the frustrations of dial-up internet but also not long after that receiving the blessing of speedy cable internet! I know how it feels not to have a cell phone and when I didn’t have one I played outside with my friends, rode my bike, walked around finding creeks and trails to walk on. I played bad-minton in my backyard with my cousins and skated around playing street hockey and little league baseball.

Kids are developing more back and neck issues caused by staring down at their phones. It’s so important to hold your phone up at eye level to maintain proper back posture for optimal spine health. If you know a child who doesn’t receive much physical fitness, try encouraging them to get out more, the world is NOT a scary place!! It’s fun to fall and scrape your knee and wear cool band-aids!

Physical activity in children improved test performances in school, better behavior, and a reduction in the use of medications, especially asthma and ADHD medications. Kids with developing brains DO NOT need to be taking medications that are a legal form of methamphetamine (meth). They do surely bring focus, but the long lasting effects of this drug is far more harmful than beneficial. If your child is hyper, that is absolutely normal, they are young and filled with energy, imagine a puppy. You wouldn’t give a puppy meth to calm it down, you tire it out naturally by playing with it. Same goes for children, take them outside, exhaust them by having them run, bike, or skate around parks and playgrounds.

Being out in nature is not only good for releasing endorphins like dopamine but if you walk around outside bare foot you ground with the earth receiving positive ions and release the negative ions from your body. It’s like a cycle exchange of energy, we are electrical beings! Breathing in fresh air is so important today because children under the age of 10 are being diagnosed with fatty livers due to the toxins found in household cleaners and furniture. Obviously food is a major cause of this as well, feeding children sugary cereal first thing in the morning is not going to help with hyper activity. Commercials on TV advertise foods for kids that are filled with artificial ingredients. We can’t be giving our youth poisonous foods with no nutrition. They are growing humans that need real whole foods filled with vitamins and minerals so they can become healthy, happy adults who can deal with stress effectively.

La Fin! Have a good week everyone!

My Podcast Recommendations!

Podcasts are a great way to learn about any subject from other people for FREE!! It’s like joining a conversation between 2 or 3 people without actually being there! Everyone now has their own podcast because it’s uncensored so the host’s can say whatever comes to mind, they can be themselves and usually it’s very intelligent information with equal parts of comedy. Here is a list of my favorite podcasts that I listen to while I’m at work or while I’m a passenger in a car:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience was the first one I started listening to and he led me to Dr. Kelly Brogan, life changer! Joe Rogan is a comedian himself but a very intelligent man and he interviews everyone from scientists, actors, business people, doctors, the list goes on. Its a very versatile podcast and you’ll definitely learn things listening to him and his guests.
  2. Alien Theorists Theorizing is a conspiracy theory podcast but it’s hilarious!! Its 4 guys just adding their opinions to crazy conspiracy theories. I got addicted to this one and listened to all their episodes at work.
  3. Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard is a really good one because he interviews a lot of famous celebrities and you get to hear/see them at their deepest, it’s like you’re in the room with them so you’re getting to know your favorite celebrities on a personal level.
  4. Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose is a podcast on becoming your highest self spiritually, finding your soul, Ayurveda, connecting with your inner Goddess, meditation, the universe, etc. Her podcast is up in my menu if you would like to check her out, I love her podcast THAT MUCH!
  5. Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser is an awesome health podcast, you can learn about the gut microbiome, ancestral dental health, asthma and allergies, treating PTSD with MDMA, Hashimotos disease, SIBO, IBS, functional medicine, etc. I found him through The Joe Rogan Experience and I was hooked. The best part is that his podcasts are around an hour so you get a quick dose of knowledge!
  6. Expand Your Awareness with Aaron Doughty is another spiritual podcast. He teaches you tricks to become more aware, he is all about parallel realities, past lives, different dimensions, aliens, etc. He is also up in my menu if you want watch his youtube videos, that where I began!
  7. The Life Stylist Podcast with Luke Storey is a good one I found through Sahara Rose’s Highest Self Podcast. He was a drug addict that overcame his addiction holistically and now he is a biohacker. He talks about LSD, ayahuasca, nootropics, human optimatization, he pretty much talks about being a super human, supplementing to achieve ultra strength, focus, and concentration.
  8. Tiger Belly with Bobby Lee is a comedy podcast with comedian Bobby Lee and his girlfriend Khalyla. They interview other comedians, and a bunch of other famous people. I learned a lot from listening to the episode with Dr. Drew!
  9. This Past Weekend with Theo Von is hilarious!! I love love love this one, he just says the funniest things about random current events.
  10. Congratulations with Chris D’elia is also a comedy podcast, he is just like Theo Von and adds his own opinions to current events.

Skin Mapping

Skin mapping was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, so this technique of determining ones’ health was used over 5,000 years ago. The concept is that various parts of the face is a mirror of the health of your internal organs. So while we have a society that uses face masks, lotions, potions and elixirs to fade away wrinkles, blemishes, and pimples, it’s important to look beyond the surface of the skin and treat the underlying causes of a particular skin condition. Skin is our largest organ and it also communicates with our internal organs, therefore, looking at different regions of the face may help you target the specific organ that is trying to communicate with you.

The forehead is connected to the liver and gallbladder. When there are blemishes or pimples in this area consider your diet, are you consuming excess fats or too much alcohol? Balance your body by reducing rich fatty foods and alcohol; drink herbal teas and plenty of water. Milk thistle and burdock root are herbal supplements that support liver and gallbladder detox.

The area between the eyebrows is connected to the stomach and liver. Blemishes in this area could be an indicator of poor digestion and toxic buildup. Consider an elimination diet to rule out any allergies or food intolerance’s. Reducing caffeine, alcohol and sugar consumption and implementing a cleanse may improve digestion.

Acne at the temples and brow lines correlate to the kidneys. It could be caused by overworked kidneys or dehydration. Drink lots of water according to your body weight (I drink 55 oz for 108-110 lbs) and add foods like kale, spinach, berries, and algae (spirulina & chlorella) to your diet.

The area under your eyes where most people have puffiness and dark circles represents conditions of the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Consider reducing alcohol, caffeine, and sugar or removing them entirely. Its vital to get quality sleep, drink ample amounts of water and add detox teas to your diet.

Acne or rashes like rosacea that are found on the bridge of the nose and the upper area of the cheeks are related to the heart. Balance your heart health by replacing unhealthy unsaturated fats with healthy omega fatty acids like raw nuts, avocados, salmon, and flax/chia seeds to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

The middle region of the cheeks is a window to the stomach and lungs. Consider common allergens like wheat and dairy and reduce acid forming food like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar from the diet. Instead replace it with alkalizing foods like green vegetables.

Wrinkles and breakouts in the lower cheeks, nose, and mouth region are connected to the liver and stomach as well, these may be caused by food intolerance’s and toxic buildup. Eating green vegetables and whole foods with fiber, eliminating artificial ingredients, and drinking vegetable juices may support the liver and stomach.

The jawline is a window to the ovaries and/or colon. Breakouts are usually triggered by hormonal stress. Consider a low-glycemic diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Sleep is also very important in keeping stress levels at bay.

The lymph nodes are stress level indicators. When they are swollen they are fighting off bacteria to prevent an illness. Practice self-care routines to bring down stress levels emotionally and physically, eat a balanced diet, get extra rest, and light exercise in the form of yoga and meditation.

References: Integrative Nutrition

What Is Soda Doing To You?

I was an obsessive soda drinker when I was a kid, I never ever drank water because “I didn’t like that it had no taste!” I was addicted to the sugar, I would finish three 12 packs of Mountain Dew in college during a 3 week winter break, that’s 36 cans!! I would go out to dinner, drink a Coke, hang out with friends, drink the available soda. One year I went to the dentist and she asked me why my teeth were so soft, my answer… I just got back from vacation and the only thing I drank was Coke. So what exactly was that soda doing to my body?

What I am writing about doesn’t happen after drink 1-2 carbonated sugar beverages, its takes years and years of soda abuse to incur all these health challenges.

  • Drinking soda compromises the metabolic system, it can increase the risk of diabetes. A can of soda usually has 50% of sugar in it, that is way over the daily limit we need.
  • Sodas contain BVO (brominated vegetable oil) which is a chemical linked to skin rashes and nerve disorders.
  • The phosphates, phosphoric and citric acid in a can of soda increases the shelf life, however, its decreases bone density and leads to accelerated aging. It also alters the pH balance in the mouth, leading to permanent dental enamel erosion.
  • Soda increases triglycerides which leads to atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries, which could eventually lead to heart attack or failure.
  • Diet sodas contain the artificial sweetener, aspartame, which is linked to cancer. It also contains dyes such as Yellow & Red 5 etc., which is toxic to brain cells.

I eventually had to stop drinking soda like a fiend, I was dehydrated and felt like crap all the time. Now I try to consume 55 oz of water according to my weight and when I do drink soda, it hurts to drink so I DO NOT miss it at all! Have a good week yall 🙂

What To Look For & Avoid When Grocery Shopping!

I saved the best for the last, don’t give up on this long post!! I personally can get anxiety just walking in and out of grocery store aisles wanting to buy EVERYTHING!!! But did you know that most of the items sold within the aisles are processed and contain artificial ingredients? This essentially means that even though you see “zero calories” on boxes that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good thing. These processed foods may contain less calories for weight watchers, however, they contain zero dense nutrition for actual weight loss. It’s important to stay on the perimeter of the grocery store to ensure you are buying real whole foods like fresh or frozen produce, meats, fish, eggs, and dairy (or alt-dairy).

It’s so important to READ THE INGREDIENT LIST not just the nutritional label, trying to stay under 5-7 ingredients is most beneficial. The rule of thumb should be if you can’t pronounce an ingredient or don’t know what it is—just stay away from it—most likely it’s not helping your body in any positive way. 

So when shopping, your freshest produce will be local because it took less time to travel to your location. Also buying produce “in season” ensures that it contains no GMOs to allow it to grow out of season, and eating organic produce is beneficial because it contains no pesticides. To get rid of 96% of pesticides off non-organic produce, put it in a 15 minute sodium bicarbonate [baking soda] bath.

Check out my blog post “Do You Eat The Rainbow” to find out all the benefits of all the fruits and vegetables we are all so grateful to have from the Earth! To add to that, red fruits and vegetables support heart and brain function. Orange fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene and vitamin C which improves eye health and immune function. Yellow fruits and vegetables help with circulation. Green fruits and vegetables purify the blood, strengthen the immune and nervous systems which in turn helps prevent depression and anxiety. Blue and purple fruits and vegetables have a high antioxidant content which is good for heart disease and anti-aging. White fruits and vegetables reduce blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol. (REMEMBER! HDL CHOLESTEROL IS GOOD FOR HEALTHY BRAIN FUNCTION).

When buying any sources of protein you want to make sure that they are humanely derived. Having stressed meat is not ideal to put into your body. Imagine the hormones you release when you are scared or angry and then imagine that same bodily response occurring in that of an animal we consume. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT! So search out for signs such as certified organic which means the animals were fed an organic diet without antibiotics or hormones. Free-range and pasture-raised mean the animals are allowed to roam free; cage free doesn’t necessarily mean they have access to the outdoors, so make sure you know the difference! Certified humane means the animals have access to their natural environment (grass fields) which is the healthiest, and they transformed into a protein source with minimal pain.

The least known fact is how canola oil is almost in EVERYTHING with a shelf life (due to the government subsidizing it) and how bad it actually is. DEFINITELY KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR THIS ONE! It is entirely genetically modified and treated with pesticides (Round-Up—linked to cancer), and it is processed at a very high heat with hexane which is a chemical. It may cause kidney and liver issues due to the GMOs, which are linked to allergies, immune suppression, cancer, etc. Hydrogenated vegetable oils cause inflammation and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which is the leading cause of heart disease. Canola oil also contains unhealthy trans-fats which may cause high blood pressure and strokes. So not to scare anyone, but try to avoid canola oil as much as you can, and you can accomplish that just by reading the ingredients!

The Benefits of Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it absorbs into the bloodstream in the presence of fats. Some good fats to include in a balanced well nutritious meal would be:

Coconut oil and other fresh coconut products

Olives and olive oil

Hemp, chia, flax, and sunflower seeds


Salmon, trout, herring, sardines, tuna and mackerel

Nuts and nut butters (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, etc.)

Dark chocolate


Grass-fed beef and pork

Full fat milk and yogurt

There are many health benefits to having an abundance of vitamin K in your diet, it allows for better calcium absorption, which is vital for bone health (reduces osteoporosis). It improves cardiovascular (heart) health, reduces the risk of cancer, and provides relief from menstrual issues. However, the most important benefit of vitamin K is its role in controlling blood clotting, preventing blood loss, and blood sugar regulation.

No need to hit the supplement store for a bottle of vitamin K, just head over to the grocery store and pick up 1 or 2 of these fruits and vegetables to implement into your daily diet!


Napa cabbage


Brussel sprouts

Green pears & apples

Green beans & cabbage

Broccoli rabe

Green grapes & kiwi

Arugula & kale

Asparagus & artichokes

Honeydew melon

Belgian endive

Broccoli & celery

Eating 50% raw foods and 50% cooked foods is recommended as many nutrients are lost when exposed to heat. Make salads with an olive oil and lemon dressing, eat fruits for breakfast prior to eating a protein source like eggs! It’s rare to be vitamin K deficient, but for optimal cognitive health, immunity protection, and a regulated menstrual flow, check out The Benefits of Mr. Kite (for the Beatles fans!) benefits of vitamin k!

How to Make Pickles!!

I have always been a lover of pickles in any form, spicy dill pickles, fried pickles, pickles on my burger, even Indian pickles but that’s a whole other blog post HAHA So like most people who didn’t even think of how to make home made pickles I would just buy a jar of dill pickles and just throw that thing into my fridge!! Little did I know that these spears of joy I was consuming was not benefiting me in anyway. First off, store bought pickles contain preservatives such as citric acid, sodium benzoate, polysorbate 80, yellow #5, calcium chloride, natural flavors, and sugar, obviously to maintain an extended shelf-life (or refrigerator-life). I don’t know or want any of those ingredients, considering it only takes 5 ingredients to make. The preservatives prevent the probiotics from actually serving any purpose, they cease to exist. When I found out about this, I had to put my knowledge to the test, I wanted to consume living foods with prana (energy), this is what gives us energy and helps repopulate and heal the gut microbiota.

Recently I learned how to make pickles and sauerkraut, which is so simple and takes about 5 minutes to prepare. They contain an abundance and variety of probiotics as well, if anyone is ever questioning which kind of probiotic to get from the store, what kind of strain? How many CFUs? Skip the hassle and eat your creation!! I wanted to first make my own batch to make sure it didn’t kill me before I shared it with all you loyal knowledge seekers! My parents and my friend can also agree that they were [what us American’s say] THE BOMB!!! As you can tell I am so excited about this post because they really turned out way better than I had expected and I could hands down say as a Master of Pickles that they tasted so much better than any store bought pickle I have had in my life time. So I would like to share this magnificent discovery with everyone.

5 Ingredients: Using a 32oz mason jar

  • mini cucumbers cut into quarters
  • 1 tbsp pink Himalayan salt
  • 1 tbsp pickling seasoning
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • filtered water
  • (optional) 1 tsp red chili flakes for spicy pickles YUM!

Put the quartered mini cucumbers into the jar, add garlic, the 1tbsp of pink Himalayan salt and pickling seasoning, fill with filtered water to the top. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! Now just leave it sitting out on the counter for 10-15 days. I left mine out for 10 days and they went through periods of cloudiness and fizziness but do not be alarmed that is just part of the process!!! I went through a panic when I wasn’t able to get into my pickles jar so OPEN AND CHECK THEM EVERYDAY the jar might be hard to open as it ferments longer and longer. Once you are ready to eat your home made probiotics just put them into the fridge as the temperature now slows now the fermentation. The pictures below show day 1 (left), day 5 (middle), and day 10 (right) after refrigeration.

Voila! Making pickles is that simple with no preservatives and they last in the fridge for a long time as well. I ate about 3 a day since they were amazing and gave some away so they lasted about 4-5 days after I began eating them. They were in the fridge for 10 days while I was on vacation in Europe dancing the night away! No one died in the making of these pickles!!! You can create your own make and model of probiotic enriched pickles!

Have a wonderful weekend!!! Happy pickling!!!