What Are Bach Flower Remedies?

Last year I went to a Naturopath who introduced me to the Bach Flower Remedy. It is a blend of flower extracts derived from wild plants and there are 38 different kinds discovered by Dr. Bach, these extracts are watered down and mixed in brandy. As I’ve written in previous posts, negative emotions store in different organs and after years of these stored emotions, the body begins to manifest diseases like heart disease, diabetes, liver issues, kidney issues, cancer etc. (Check it out!) These remedies work on healing negative emotions such as fears, uncertainties, lack of motivation, loneliness, sadness, and over-sensitivity are to name a few, which will ultimately lead to healing physical illnesses. The belief in homeopathy is that the body can heal itself, and when your mind is balanced it is easier to bring your body and soul into equilibrium!

Each flower remedy is specially personalized for what you are feeling at that present time. When I used my own personal blend, I happened to be having irrational fears of losing my parents, I was having negative thoughts about my relationship, and I was angry because I was insecure and sad. After using my remedy for 4 weeks I felt like I was a new person – I felt so emotionally balanced, I was no longer angry and was so nice and positive – I had the motivation to conquer my dreams! During this time I began holistic health coaching school, I started my health blog, and I was reaching new heights of sobriety – it felt like for the first time I was getting my life together! I call these flower remedies flower power juice because of how awesome they made me feel during and after taking it.

It’s been a year now since my last Naturopath session and my flower power blend so I am ready to go back and continue my healing journey. This past year I have witnessed the deaths of many loved ones and I feel like healing never truly quite ends, it’s a constant process and when you’re feeling low in life, seeking a little help from nature may help you flow back into positivity! This post is dedicated to my uncle Milind Nayak one of the creative legends in my ENTIRE family. RIP ❤

The Mercury Levels are Fishy!

I am a fish lover so this is a shout out to all my pescaterians out there, this one is for you!!! I love the ocean for its abysmal vastness, majestic marine beauty and I am so grateful for the food it provides us with. Lets just take a minute to appreciate our oceans!

Generations of earth abuse has finally caught up to us, waste and coal burning has contributed to atmospheric pollution, leading to high levels of mercury releasing into the air. With rain, this mercury is deposited in the ocean and bioaccummulates into our fish supply, meaning it is absorbed through their gills and stored in their tissues and muscles. Once mercury comes in contact with water, it is converted to methylmercury which is extremely toxic to humans, so try to avoid it if you can because it stores in the adipose tissue (fat) in us as well.

I am here to share with you for those who do not know, the kinds of fish with the most and least amounts of mercury so you can eat consciously and treat your body with the care it deserves!

General rule of thumb to follow is that the biggest fish have the highest levels of mercury because they eat the small fish, so go small! The following list contains the least amounts of mercury so eat them to your heart’s content!

  • Haddock
  • Salmon – high in the healthy fat, omega 3!!!
  • Flounder
  • Catfish
  • Anchovies
  • Clams
  • Crawfish
  • Crab
  • Oysters
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Scallops
  • Shrimp
  • Sole
  • Trout
  • Whitefish
  • Tilapia – make sure it is wild caught NOT FARMED!

The following list has mild to moderate amounts of mercury, eat under 6 servings a month.

  • Alaskan Cod
  • Halibut
  • Snapper
  • Mahi Mahi
  • Monkfish
  • Carp
  • Lobster

Finally AVOID THE FOLLOWING due to HIGH mercury levels!!!!

  • King Mackerel
  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Marlin
  • Grouper
  • Bluefish
  • Croaker
  • Orange Roughy
  • Chilean Seabass
  • Perch
  • Tilefish

I usually eat salmon and wild caught Atlantic cod and they are very simple to cook! I’ll season it with garlic, salt, pepper, fresh herbs, chili peppers from my garden, and bake or broil it for 20 minutes (picture included)! I use a different combination of fresh herbs including rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley, dill, and chives depending on how far I want to venture out into the garden that night!

The Scoop on Digestive Enzymes!

One of my all-time favorite books, A Mind of your Own by Kelly Brogan (I cannot stress enough how life changing this book is! Her link is above in the menu), she has a whole chapter on the supplements she recommends for various illnesses including, thyroid issues, blood sugar issues, leaky gut, weaning off of anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants, even hormone imbalances. She recommended taking digestive enzymes for leaky gut and at the time I skipped passed it because I figured I didn’t need it because my stomach never gave me issues. Just because you don’t experience extreme bouts of diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating doesn’t mean you don’t have leaky gut!!! I have allergies, asthma, and eczema and that is linked to leaky gut so don’t underestimate the guts effect on the rest of your body. So just recently almost a year and a half after reading A Mind of your Own, the universe placed a bottle of digestive enzymes on sale at my favorite grocery store, Lucky’s Market, they have a killer awesome supplement section!! I’ve been taking them every day for a week and I’ve got to say my digestion and BMs have been on point and I’ve even noticed that my allergies have remained relatively calm in the pollen storm compared to past years!

So as I educate myself more on digestive enzymes, I would also like to share this information with you because gut health is very important for mental health, the gut and the brain are in constant bi-directional communication with each other via the gut-brain axis. Leaky gut, inflammation, an off balance microbiome have all been linked to mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression. Fun fact, 85% of serotonin is created in the gut so if you want to get rid of the anxiety, panic attacks, depression, chronic pain, fatigue, etc., begin fixing your gut! I recommend following the Holistic Psychologist in the menu above, she has a fantastic Instagram page, which is so educating, informative and enlightening, she really gives her followers her all and she helps a lot of people with what she’s spreading, she is a great light worker!!

So digestive enzymes, who needs them and what are they? If you have acid reflux, IBS, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), thyroid issues, heartburn and indigestion, brain fog, mood swings, chronic headaches or migraines, PMS, crave sugars or carbs, hair loss, or Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, digestive enzymes might be something to consider to implement in your daily routine. These symptoms are messages your body is sending you to give it some assistance, something is off balance, most likely inflammation is occurring, so treat yo self to adding additional enzymes to start bringing your body into equilibrium. This is just one step in the healing process, there are many other factors that go into healing the gut, which our bodies can heal in 1 week if a strict diet is followed and the microbiome is restored with probiotics! (Look into the whole30 or the paleo diet to start your journey!)

Digestion of food to micro and macronutrients begins in our mouth. Enzymes are a catalyst for a chemical reaction so the minute we start chewing food, our saliva releases amylases which break down starches or complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, the pancreas release lipases which break down fats to fatty acids and cholesterol, and then the proteases and peptidases break down proteins to amino acids. This process allows our bodies to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat and turn that into energy, so when we lack these essential enzymes, we need to supplement. In addition to the enzymes I mentioned, the following are also found in our body: pepsin breaks down protein into polypeptides, trypsin and chymotrypsin are endopeptidases that further break down polypeptides. Exopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, and aminopeptidase release the amino acids. Cellulase digests foods high in fiber, lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. Sucrase and invertase splits sucrose into glucose and fructose, and maltase breaks down maltose into smaller glucose molecules. Glucoamylase and alpha-glactosidase are enzymes that break down the “hidden” sugars and starches (carbs) found in processed foods and dairy.

When shopping for digestive enzymes find one with a blend of different kinds, the more you supply your body the better off you are. You can also give your body digestive enzymes naturally with the following foods, pineapple and papaya contains the protease enzymes bromelain and papain, respectively. Ginger, avocado, raw honey, mango, bananas, kiwi, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi also all have a variety of enzymes as well. For overall wellness, it’s good to implement the rainbow of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, not only are they high vibration foods but they also contain minerals and vitamins that we need for optimal health.

Happy Sunday self healers have a wonderful week!

Can Diseases be Prevented?

Have you heard of the word epigenetics? It is the study of chemical modifications of specific DNA that regulate gene expression. Healthy genes can be turned on and disease causing genes can be turned off or vice versa depending on the environment, the foods that are consumed and the amount of exercise done daily. This science is now making its way into the forefront for preventative medicine and with a holistic approach many of the diseases that are prevalent in our society today among the baby boomer generation and older can be prevented. Consider this… type 2 diabetics, those with heart disease, hypertension, cancer, autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety, is it possible to no longer have to take a pill every day for the rest of their lives? The holistic approach to health is first getting to the root cause of an illness because at the end of the day do you want your symptoms to be bandaged or do you want your illness healed? Some root causes to many illnesses may include hormone imbalances, toxic emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, etc., stress, inflammation, toxic chemical exposure, immune, digestive, and absorption imbalances. It is vital to first address these underlying issues even though it may not necessarily appear physically, however, it may manifest later in life. Above is a link to Kelly Brogan, she is my number 1 go to for this stuff as she has an autoimmune disorder and lives pill free, her book A Mind of your Own lays it all out. She first recommends eliminating key toxins from the diet such as gluten and sugar and processed foods in the kitchens with preservatives, this is so the second brain, the gut can be healed. Next the household toxins such as chemical cleaners those are ultimately poison, candles, air fresheners, these all contain chemicals that are harmful to us and can contribute to hormone imbalances. Definitely read the book for more in depth for specific illnesses and for the diet recommendations as she gives you a whole meal plan!! Regarding lifestyle habits some things she recommends is kundalini breathing exercises, meditation and eating mindfully. To add to that I recommend journaling, being out in nature, yoga, self care (oil pulling, dry brushing, foot rolling), essential oils, and grounding. So answering my original question, yes diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases such as hyper/hypothyroidism, eczema, psoriasis, etc., depression and anxiety can be potentially prevented or even healed by accommodating a person’s bio individual diet and implementing lifestyle habits such as grounding with earth, forest bathing, meditation, deep breathing, yoga, strength training, etc., to maintain a parasympathetic nervous system state in times of stress.

My Story

As the classic story goes… I was terribly unhealthy in college until a couple of years after I graduated, then out of the blue I decided it was time for a change, my innate senses were awakening. Rewind to 2016 when my anxiety and depression was at its peak, I’ve always been one to quickly strike with anger and lash out and it was in this year that I listened to an audiobook called The Cow in the Parking Lot. I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking for anger management in a fun way that really teaches you life long lessons. What stuck with me was the science behind anger, when a person is in a situation where they get angry, biologically speaking, a chemical reaction is occurring within them, cortisol and adrenaline are releasing hence why the rush of heat is felt upon getting angry. As this escalates they tend to mentally black out and lose the sense of reasoning for logic, and anything that is said will be a defense for the ego. People sometimes get angry as they get a high from the adrenaline rush and that
really resonated with me as I saw patterns of seeking that high. I started to notice the energy I was giving off to other people when I was lashing out and it honestly embarrassed me, so I began consciously doing something as simple as just breathing and counting to 3 (shout out to Carl from Family Matters!) and asking myself in those 3 seconds if this fight would be worth it in 5 years. Today my anger has gotten so much better and my quality of life has drastically improved because of it, my relationships have improved, my health and outlook on life as well. In 2017 I was listening The Joe Rogan Experience (highly recommended podcast!) on episode 968 he had a holistic psychiatrist (Link to her website above!) her name is Kelly Brogan and she authored a book entitled A Mind of your Own. I would recommend this book to anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, bad pms (that was my reason), and auto immune disorders, she decided to take a holistic approach on her own health when she was diagnosed with one. Her book is absolutely life changing and what I learned from it is the reason I began this journey in holistic health. Above are links to some great light workers who are using their platforms to spread this divine awakening! They teach me something daily and help me understand this all.