A Novel Form of Cholesterol Reduction

Surprise! I’m back with fun new wellness nuggets of wisdom. I recently got a new job so as I was transitioning into that roll I took another blog hiatus. Sometimes life is like that, it’s wise to take a small break to come back roaring with a new you!

So I recently learned of a probiotic strain that can help manage cholesterol. Many people don’t know what probiotics are, so essentially they are beneficial bacteria that can help keep the microorganisms in your gut balanced. When your gut bacteria is balanced, it just so happens that other aspects of the mind and body can follow along. This probiotic strain known as Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 has been clinically researched to control LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and total cholesterol. BUT HOW?? Well let me tell you!!! This probiotic does so by removing cholesterol out of the body into the stool and by increasing the metabolism (breakdown) of cholesterol in the liver.

In addition to cholesterol lowering benefits, another study showed its ability in reducing the inflammatory marker known as C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. The C-reactive protein marker is used to evaluate the risk of developing coronary artery disease which is the most common cause of heart attack. Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver that promotes clotting, having high fibrinogen levels are associated with the risk of harmful clots, heart disease, and strokes.

BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!! Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 has been shown to boost vitamin D levels by more than 25%! Most people believe that cholesterol is the enemy, however, our bodies NEED cholesterol to form cell membranes and create very important hormones, amongst other things. The key is realizing that we need to lower our (“bad”) cholesterol known as LDL and raise our (“good”) cholesterol known as HDL.

How Is Gut Health Related To Mental Health?!

Recently the word “gut-brain axis” has been everywhere, but what is it?! Scientists have discovered the connections between our gut, its microbiome (bacterial quantity & quality) and our brain.

The gut (our digestive system) and the brain are connected via the largest nerve in the body called the vagus nerve. Through this link, the gut and the brain have a bi-directional (2-way) communication. Simply put, the brain and gut send signals to each other!

Did you know that many hormones and neurotransmitters are created in the gut? The top 3 neurotransmitters that everyone may have already heard of are Serotonin, Dopamine, and GABA, these all regulate mood and emotions.

  • 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut and contributes to the feeling of happiness. It also regulates appetite and digestion, and is a precursor to melatonin so it regulates sleep and our circadian rhythm.
  • 50% of dopamine is produced in the gut, and contributes to the feeling of accomplishment, reward and motivation.
  • GABA contributes to controlling the feelings of fear and anxiety. Studies on mice have shown that taking certain probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) increases GABA production in the gut, reducing depression and anxiety.

Now lets redirect to our gut microbiome, we have trillions of bacterial colonies (approximately 40 trillion) that are so important for digestion. They break down our foods and assimilate our nutrients, and it is vital for immune health as well. Our microbiome which has been developing since we were in our mother’s wombs is responsible for killing off any viruses and bad bacteria that may cause illnesses and diseases. Without these diverse warriors our health is compromised!!!

When our gut microbiome has a higher number of bad bacteria to good bacteria (dysbiosis) it causes what is known as leaky gut. This is is when the tight junctions in our intestines are permeated with holes that allow these adverse substances such as fungi and viruses to pass through into our blood. This excess exposure to toxicity causes our body to react with releasing an inflammatory toxin known as lipopolysaccaride (LPS). Chronic inflammation and high levels on LPS in the blood have been linked to severe depression, dementia and schizophrenia.

So what can we do to begin healing our gut? EAT REAL WHOLE FOODS!!! Cook your own foods with lean meats, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Eliminate sugar because it feeds the bad bacteria and artificial ingredients that our body does not recognize as food. Eliminate gluten as it is a gut irritant that contributes to leaky gut. Eat foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

PREbiotic foods: dietary fiber that feed and increase good bacteria.

  • dandelion greens
  • garlic
  • chicory root
  • onions
  • jerusalem artichoke
  • asparagus
  • bananas
  • apples
  • leeks
  • oats
  • flaxseeds

PRObiotic foods: have beneficial bacteria that studies have shown decreases the amount of cortisol that is released (stress hormone).

  • yogurt
  • miso
  • kefir
  • kombucha
  • kimchi
  • pickles
  • sauerkraut
  • buttermilk
  • tempeh

Are you in need of a gut reset? Do you need help healing your mental health? Click on my website (Rainbow Body Vitality) in the menu above and fill out a FREE health history to start your journey today! Let me help you help yourself and get that gut-brain axis in order 🙂 We can work on getting your gut regulated, inflammation reduced and mental health back to 100%.

Have a great week everyone ❤