Emotions Store In Your Organs!

Last week I wrote about how chronic pain in your body may be linked to your emotional state of mind. This week I take it further and dive into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the science that says different emotions store in different organs within your body. So think twice when you want to dwell in sadness or rage out in anger because your organs are keeping count and eventually chronic inflammation within those organs will manifest into chronic illness.

  • stress and frustration will affect your brain health
  • tension is stored in your neck and spine
  • lack of trust will affect your thyroid health
  • fear and worry affects the heart & kidneys
  • sadness is stored in the lungs
  • anxiety manifests into digestive issues
  • anger is stored in the liver & gallbladder
  • the sympathetic nervous system of “fight or flight” will affect the adrenal glands
  • feelings of guilt affect the spleen

A major life lesson that has stuck with me is “stress isn’t the problem, it’s how we react to it”. Stress is inevitable, life is stressful but we can alleviate any bodily harm our emotions can cause by noticing them at its source. When we feel the start of an emotional reaction, we can observe how it makes our body’s feel in that very moment. This is triggering the awareness within ourselves, we are becoming mindful of our bodily sensations.

To release inner anger that is stored in the liver, eat leafy greens like spinach and kale, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. These foods will detoxify the liver from heavy metals, pesticides, and any toxic chemicals. Eating apples and beets will provide the liver with nutrients while also detoxifying the blood. Eating whole foods allow the liver to self-repair.

Have a wonderful week! Remember to keep tabs on those emotional ups and downs and instead of identifying with it, just simply observe it and allow it to pass. Don’t allow it to store in your organs!

The Pain You Feel May Be Linked To Your Emotions!

Did you know that physical pain and illnesses are manifestations of our mental/emotional state? Author Louise Hay outlines the mind-body connection that results in physical symptoms within our body in Heal Your Body A-Z. She goes beyond just physical pain and associates the emotional triggers for illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, etc. Definitely check out her book online to see the complete list!

You might be thinking, “I actually hurt myself and that’s why I’m feeling pain!” However, the pain I’m referring to is chronic pain – long term. When you experience pain in your neck or shoulders that just doesn’t go away, I personally experience this myself and have been since high school. That’s 10 years! I’ve definitely got some healing to do 🙂

The emotional triggers that may cause:

  • neck pain – repressing yourself from communicating your truth. Being stubborn and not seeing other perceptions of a situation.
  • shoulder pain – unconsciously carrying other peoples pain on your shoulders, taking on burdens.
  • upper back pain – feelings of grief and sadness are stored in this area. Lack of emotional support, feeling unloved and also withholding love.
  • middle back pain – feelings of guilt, insecurity and not feeling supported.
  • lower back pain – feelings of unworthiness, shame, and lack of financial support.
  • elbow pain – represents a change in your life and accepting new experiences – if you have a hard time accepting change you may feel pain in your elbow.
  • hip pain – represents a fear of moving forward with important decisions.
  • knee pain – represents pride and ego, inability to bend or adapt – inflexibility.
  • skins issues – going through inner transformation and old energy is leaving the body.
  • stomach issues – inability to process emotions.

Have a wonderful week filled with lots of positive experiences! Remember to be grateful for even the smallest things! I appreciate silly things like fresh air and being able to lay on the ground. The way I see it, chances are – someone, somewhere doesn’t even have that!

Primary vs. Secondary Emotions

What are emotions? Of course we know when we are emotional we are feeling one of the following – anger, fear, joy, sadness, love, and/or surprise. However, does anyone ever question what is occurring in our bodies when we are feeling emotional? Why do we feel this way? Emotions are physiological responses to situations, simply meaning, our bodies are releasing hormones so WE FEEL in our bodies what our minds are creating and thinking.

When we observe our negative emotions, it allows us to recognize what is happening internally (mentally & physically) so we can heal ourselves from what bothers us, the behaviors that have paved us to be the way we are. We can control our emotions if we are mindful! For every primary emotion contains a secondary emotion which will make us feel a physical sensation within our bodies. This includes feeling hot blooded, sweaty, shaking, excitement, shortness of breath etc… This is when our bodies are releasing hormones such as adrenaline, dopamine and cortisol.

The secondary emotions to anger:

  • irritability
  • resentment
  • rage
  • disgust
  • envy (jealousy)
  • misery

The secondary emotions to fear:

  • nervousness
  • worry
  • anxiety
  • worthlessness
  • depression
  • guilt

The secondary emotions to joy:

  • cheerfulness
  • contentment
  • pride
  • optimism
  • relief
  • enthusiasm
  • fascination

The secondary emotions to sadness

  • suffering
  • hopelessness
  • disappointment
  • shame
  • neglect
  • sympathy

The secondary emotions to love

  • affection
  • lust
  • longing

The secondary emotions to surprise

  • amazement
  • astonishment

Have a wonderful week!!!

Mental Resistance

Mental resistance is when our brains are hardwired to move away or resist from anything we think to be uncomfortable, so therefore staying within our comfort zones. To break out of mental resistance, practicing mindfulness and becoming aware when resistant thoughts occur and also recognizing how it makes your body feel, will rewire your neural pathways in the brain.

There are different versions of mental resistance:

  1. Procrastination: “I have so much to do, i’ll just do it later” but in reality, you’re just avoiding getting started, possibly due to the fear of failing.
  2. Fear: “This is new and scary”, “what if I fail?” – fear is the root cause of mental resistance. When you’re experiencing resistant thoughts and feelings, recognize what you may be afraid of in that moment.
  3. Immediate gratification: distracting ourselves with TV shows, movies, news, food, sex, drugs, and alcohol to avoid starting something that may be difficult.
  4. Self-doubt: “I am not ready”, “I don’t know how”, “I don’t deserve that”, “I’m not worthy of that”, “what if they don’t like me?” – you can always learn something and become proficient in it, and everyone is deserving of anything they desire. If you want it, go get it. End that negative self talk! Love yourself ❤
  5. Criticism of others: Focusing on how we think others should live, to avoid ourselves and what we need to work on.
  6. Analysis paralysis: The state of over-analyzing or over-thinking a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, causing a paralysis of the outcome.