Tips for Managing Anxiety

Its wild times right now, the last 2 years have seemed like a bombardment of bad news one after the other. Anxiety is natural when a sense of impending doom looms, so how do we manage it?

We first got to remember that anxiety is a biological reaction that stems from fear. We physically feel nervous, shaky, sweaty, panicky, and shortness of breath all because we are EMOTIONALLY FEELING fear. Meditation is a helpful tool to separate the physical sensations of the body from the emotional triggers caused by the mind. Look within to discover the root cause of your fears and try to feel them to really heal them.

Secondly, a lot of things are simply out of our control. We cannot control what others do or say, or what is going on in our external world, for example, the weather will be something we can never control. So from that perspective it’s good to be aware of what you CAN control and what you CAN’T control. At the end of the day, the only thing we really have control over is ourselves, how we react to certain situations or current events. Our reactions to anxiety provoking news, which is inevitable in one’s lifetime, is how we manage our anxiety. If something in particular is triggering your anxiety, remove that trigger as best you can.

When life throws adversities your way, it ok to feel anxiety, because remember, feeling is healing. However, find the opportunities and learn lessons from that unfortunate circumstance instead of being a victim of your circumstance. You can either let something bad turn you angry, bitter, and depressed or you can let it empower you to make lasting change within yourself and help those around you. Let something negative allow you to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually. How can you solve the problem instead of dwelling on it?

So feeling anxious? Try a grounding exercise where you use your senses to navigate back to the present. REMEMBER TO TAKE DEEP BREATHS! Observe how you breathe when you feel anxious, usually its shallow breaths, taking deep breaths helps with alleviating anxiety. Now look for 5 things where you are, touch 4 things, listen to 3 things, smell 2 things, taste 1 thing. When we feel anxious it’s generally because we are not in the present moment, we are either in the future or the past. When you’ve achieved a state of calmness, journal about your experience. Write about your anxious thoughts, how it made you physically feel and usually when you see your thoughts written down on paper its easier to see how far-fetched some tend to be.

Anxiety and depression has been linked to the state of our gut health. Our gut is connected to our brain via the vagus nerve, so if our gut is in dysbiosis, as will our mind. Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters that give us the feeling of happiness and pleasure, and they both are created in the gut so it’s important we feed ourselves with the proper foods to make sure our gut is happy. Limiting sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, artificial flavors and replacing them with whole foods rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables will take you a long way! We are what we eat, so if we are eating foods that cause chaos in our gut, then it will cause chaos in our minds as well. Eating fish, magnesium, and probiotic rich foods, or supplementing them will help with mental health in the long term.

Staying active, exercising at least a minimum of 30 minutes whether it be intense running, biking, weight training or tai chi, yoga, gardening, can significantly improve anxiety and depression by simply releasing endorphins that make us feel better. Getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is essential as well. Sleep debt is a real thing, if you are constantly losing an hour of sleep each night you will reach a deficit that will compound until it starts manifesting as anxiety.

These are simple habits that can be added each week to feel overall a better state of wellbeing. It’s not hard or expensive and doesn’t include a prescription, the hardest thing is choosing one good habit and sticking to it! Some supplements that are natural and can help with stress and anxiety include ashwaganda, L-theanine, lemon balm, and passionflower.

Remember to be kind to yourself, anxiety is natural and being aware of it and wanting to manage it is a huge step in helping yourself heal. When you notice feelings of anxiousness coming on, take a pause, limit the trigger, decide what you can control in that moment and do something you enjoy. Listen to your favorite song or read a book, dance, walk, jog, drink water, hang out with a friend, use aromatherapy, these will all help you flip the script by creating new neural pathways in the brain!

Kids From the 21st Century!

We have a whole generation, ranging from infants to teenagers born from the year 2000 and onwards that have grown up with a cellphone or some type of screen in their hand and in front of their face. At my job at an optometrist office, I see parents my age handing their cell phones to their babies in the stroller to keep them entertained during their eye exams. The bright lights off a screen releases dopamine in the brain, that’s the same hormone you release when you eat sugar, do drugs, have sex, eat good foods, it is the pleasure hormone. The instant gratification of how fast everything is on a phone today prevents kids from learning to be patient and wait for what’s important. When it comes time for the parents to take their cell phones back, their kids start screaming, crying, and throwing tantrums because their “drug” has been taken away. Obviously now people are becoming more aware of the chaos that is ensuing so I feel like the people I know have the same mentality as me, keeping a cell phone away from their kid for as long as possible! I didn’t get my cell phone til I was 13 years old.

I was born in 1992 and am so grateful for having the simplicity of the 90s, the frustrations of dial-up internet but also not long after that receiving the blessing of speedy cable internet! I know how it feels not to have a cell phone and when I didn’t have one I played outside with my friends, rode my bike, walked around finding creeks and trails to walk on. I played bad-minton in my backyard with my cousins and skated around playing street hockey and little league baseball.

Kids are developing more back and neck issues caused by staring down at their phones. It’s so important to hold your phone up at eye level to maintain proper back posture for optimal spine health. If you know a child who doesn’t receive much physical fitness, try encouraging them to get out more, the world is NOT a scary place!! It’s fun to fall and scrape your knee and wear cool band-aids!

Physical activity in children improved test performances in school, better behavior, and a reduction in the use of medications, especially asthma and ADHD medications. Kids with developing brains DO NOT need to be taking medications that are a legal form of methamphetamine (meth). They do surely bring focus, but the long lasting effects of this drug is far more harmful than beneficial. If your child is hyper, that is absolutely normal, they are young and filled with energy, imagine a puppy. You wouldn’t give a puppy meth to calm it down, you tire it out naturally by playing with it. Same goes for children, take them outside, exhaust them by having them run, bike, or skate around parks and playgrounds.

Being out in nature is not only good for releasing endorphins like dopamine but if you walk around outside bare foot you ground with the earth receiving positive ions and release the negative ions from your body. It’s like a cycle exchange of energy, we are electrical beings! Breathing in fresh air is so important today because children under the age of 10 are being diagnosed with fatty livers due to the toxins found in household cleaners and furniture. Obviously food is a major cause of this as well, feeding children sugary cereal first thing in the morning is not going to help with hyper activity. Commercials on TV advertise foods for kids that are filled with artificial ingredients. We can’t be giving our youth poisonous foods with no nutrition. They are growing humans that need real whole foods filled with vitamins and minerals so they can become healthy, happy adults who can deal with stress effectively.

La Fin! Have a good week everyone!

Do You Dream?

Dreaming is such a cool concept, we are entering different dimensions/consciousness while we rest and recover every night. Some people dream all the time and remember their dreams while there are those that never remember their dreams and also people who never dream at all.

Did you know there are 8 different kinds of dreaming?

  1. Day dreaming is obvious since everyone does it. This is the state between sleep and wakefulness, and occurs when our minds wander and our awareness decreases due to imagined thoughts and fantasies. You can say that day dreaming takes us away from the present moment due to the past or future.
  2. Healing dreams are messages regarding our health – our bodies are communicating with us through our dreams, its a warning before the physical symptoms occur.
  3. Nightmares are a response to real life trauma, this is known as Post-traumatic Stress Nightmare. They also occur when the dreamer is ignoring or refusing to accept something in their lives. Research shows that most people who experience nightmares have family history is psychiatric problems, drug abuse, toxic relationships, and/or suicide. **IF YOU EXPERIENCE REGULAR NIGHTMARES, THIS IS AN INDICATION THAT OUR SUBCONSCIOUS FEARS MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND HEALED.
  4. Lucid dreaming is something I aspire to experience. This is when the dreamer realizes they are dreaming and then can control their dreams. Usually to lucid dream its important to find some sort of time in your dream, upon finding the time is when you enter lucid dreaming.
  5. Recurring dreams occur because the conflict within the dream may not be resolved in real life, resolving any loose ends in your life may lead to the discontinuation of that particular recurring dream.
  6. Signal dreams allow you to solve problems or make decisions in real life. I wish I could signal dream, that would’ve really helped me out in school!! :/
  7. Epic dreams are so vivid that they are unforgettable, almost life-changing.
  8. Prophetic dreams are also known as precognitive or psychic dreams. These dreams foreshadow the future, premonitions.

What are your dreams telling you? Do you remember your dreams? Share in the comments, I’d love to know!!

Personally for me I recently had an epic dream in my house with all my friends and family fighting off a zombie hoard. It was very scary as if a nightmare, however, I didn’t wake up in fear, if anything I could say it was signalling me to act and make decisions if ever faced with a zombie apocalypse.

Have a great week!!

IKIGAI “Our Purpose”

The Japanese people are one of the healthiest and longest living communities in the world. Why is this? Besides their walking lifestyle, and traditional diet consisting of rice, seaweed, meat and fish, the Japanese believe in something called IKIGAI.

What is Ikigai you ask? It means “a reason for being”. It is one’s soul’s purpose in life. The Indians call this Dharma. An individual is always searching for their life’s purpose, without this, one feels unfulfilled. We may have jobs that we are not passionate about yet provide us with so much money, while others may have found their passion yet it makes them no money at all. Every human has a unique gift to share with this world, that is why we are all here! It’s our journey in life that allows us to become in tune with our reason for being.

Have a wonderful week filled with purpose, peace, and love!

The Pain You Feel May Be Linked To Your Emotions!

Did you know that physical pain and illnesses are manifestations of our mental/emotional state? Author Louise Hay outlines the mind-body connection that results in physical symptoms within our body in Heal Your Body A-Z. She goes beyond just physical pain and associates the emotional triggers for illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, etc. Definitely check out her book online to see the complete list!

You might be thinking, “I actually hurt myself and that’s why I’m feeling pain!” However, the pain I’m referring to is chronic pain – long term. When you experience pain in your neck or shoulders that just doesn’t go away, I personally experience this myself and have been since high school. That’s 10 years! I’ve definitely got some healing to do 🙂

The emotional triggers that may cause:

  • neck pain – repressing yourself from communicating your truth. Being stubborn and not seeing other perceptions of a situation.
  • shoulder pain – unconsciously carrying other peoples pain on your shoulders, taking on burdens.
  • upper back pain – feelings of grief and sadness are stored in this area. Lack of emotional support, feeling unloved and also withholding love.
  • middle back pain – feelings of guilt, insecurity and not feeling supported.
  • lower back pain – feelings of unworthiness, shame, and lack of financial support.
  • elbow pain – represents a change in your life and accepting new experiences – if you have a hard time accepting change you may feel pain in your elbow.
  • hip pain – represents a fear of moving forward with important decisions.
  • knee pain – represents pride and ego, inability to bend or adapt – inflexibility.
  • skins issues – going through inner transformation and old energy is leaving the body.
  • stomach issues – inability to process emotions.

Have a wonderful week filled with lots of positive experiences! Remember to be grateful for even the smallest things! I appreciate silly things like fresh air and being able to lay on the ground. The way I see it, chances are – someone, somewhere doesn’t even have that!

The Dangers of Gluten

In recent years we’ve been hearing more about how gluten may not be optimal for vital health. Eating gluten free was strictly for those with celiac disease at first, however, today it’s a way of life! Gluten consists of 2 main proteins called glutenin and gliadin, the latter being the cause of adverse health effects. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, spelt and barley, and is also used as a flavor enhancer and thickening agent so it’s also found in many sauces and dressings. Gluten is used in foods to maintain its shape and acts like a glue to hold food together.

Gluten has been known to cause concentration problems, irritability, behavioral changes, dental enamel abnormalities, delayed speech, growth, and puberty in children. Gluten is a gut irritant, it not only disturbs the gut microbiome, but a gluten intolerant person can’t digest it, this leads to what is known as leaky gut which is when holes permeate the gut lining. This causes an inflammatory response which leads to a slew of other chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disorders, type 1 diabetes, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, psorasis, and eczema.

The bacteria in our guts are responsible for regulating our immune systems, digesting our foods and assimilating the nutrients we receive from that food. Eating foods containing gluten may cause gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. It may also cause brain fog and fatigue since out guts are linked to our brains via the gut-brain axis.

Naturally gluten-free foods are:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • beans, nuts, and seeds
  • lean meats, poultry, fish

Gluten free whole grains such as:

  • brown rice, wild rice
  • quinoa, millet
  • gluten free oats
  • amaranth, buckwheat
  • teff, sorghum

Gluten free flours include:

  • almond, coconut, brown rice flour
  • bean flours such as chickpea

My Podcast Recommendations!

Podcasts are a great way to learn about any subject from other people for FREE!! It’s like joining a conversation between 2 or 3 people without actually being there! Everyone now has their own podcast because it’s uncensored so the host’s can say whatever comes to mind, they can be themselves and usually it’s very intelligent information with equal parts of comedy. Here is a list of my favorite podcasts that I listen to while I’m at work or while I’m a passenger in a car:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience was the first one I started listening to and he led me to Dr. Kelly Brogan, life changer! Joe Rogan is a comedian himself but a very intelligent man and he interviews everyone from scientists, actors, business people, doctors, the list goes on. Its a very versatile podcast and you’ll definitely learn things listening to him and his guests.
  2. Alien Theorists Theorizing is a conspiracy theory podcast but it’s hilarious!! Its 4 guys just adding their opinions to crazy conspiracy theories. I got addicted to this one and listened to all their episodes at work.
  3. Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard is a really good one because he interviews a lot of famous celebrities and you get to hear/see them at their deepest, it’s like you’re in the room with them so you’re getting to know your favorite celebrities on a personal level.
  4. Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose is a podcast on becoming your highest self spiritually, finding your soul, Ayurveda, connecting with your inner Goddess, meditation, the universe, etc. Her podcast is up in my menu if you would like to check her out, I love her podcast THAT MUCH!
  5. Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser is an awesome health podcast, you can learn about the gut microbiome, ancestral dental health, asthma and allergies, treating PTSD with MDMA, Hashimotos disease, SIBO, IBS, functional medicine, etc. I found him through The Joe Rogan Experience and I was hooked. The best part is that his podcasts are around an hour so you get a quick dose of knowledge!
  6. Expand Your Awareness with Aaron Doughty is another spiritual podcast. He teaches you tricks to become more aware, he is all about parallel realities, past lives, different dimensions, aliens, etc. He is also up in my menu if you want watch his youtube videos, that where I began!
  7. The Life Stylist Podcast with Luke Storey is a good one I found through Sahara Rose’s Highest Self Podcast. He was a drug addict that overcame his addiction holistically and now he is a biohacker. He talks about LSD, ayahuasca, nootropics, human optimatization, he pretty much talks about being a super human, supplementing to achieve ultra strength, focus, and concentration.
  8. Tiger Belly with Bobby Lee is a comedy podcast with comedian Bobby Lee and his girlfriend Khalyla. They interview other comedians, and a bunch of other famous people. I learned a lot from listening to the episode with Dr. Drew!
  9. This Past Weekend with Theo Von is hilarious!! I love love love this one, he just says the funniest things about random current events.
  10. Congratulations with Chris D’elia is also a comedy podcast, he is just like Theo Von and adds his own opinions to current events.

Skin Mapping

Skin mapping was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, so this technique of determining ones’ health was used over 5,000 years ago. The concept is that various parts of the face is a mirror of the health of your internal organs. So while we have a society that uses face masks, lotions, potions and elixirs to fade away wrinkles, blemishes, and pimples, it’s important to look beyond the surface of the skin and treat the underlying causes of a particular skin condition. Skin is our largest organ and it also communicates with our internal organs, therefore, looking at different regions of the face may help you target the specific organ that is trying to communicate with you.

The forehead is connected to the liver and gallbladder. When there are blemishes or pimples in this area consider your diet, are you consuming excess fats or too much alcohol? Balance your body by reducing rich fatty foods and alcohol; drink herbal teas and plenty of water. Milk thistle and burdock root are herbal supplements that support liver and gallbladder detox.

The area between the eyebrows is connected to the stomach and liver. Blemishes in this area could be an indicator of poor digestion and toxic buildup. Consider an elimination diet to rule out any allergies or food intolerance’s. Reducing caffeine, alcohol and sugar consumption and implementing a cleanse may improve digestion.

Acne at the temples and brow lines correlate to the kidneys. It could be caused by overworked kidneys or dehydration. Drink lots of water according to your body weight (I drink 55 oz for 108-110 lbs) and add foods like kale, spinach, berries, and algae (spirulina & chlorella) to your diet.

The area under your eyes where most people have puffiness and dark circles represents conditions of the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Consider reducing alcohol, caffeine, and sugar or removing them entirely. Its vital to get quality sleep, drink ample amounts of water and add detox teas to your diet.

Acne or rashes like rosacea that are found on the bridge of the nose and the upper area of the cheeks are related to the heart. Balance your heart health by replacing unhealthy unsaturated fats with healthy omega fatty acids like raw nuts, avocados, salmon, and flax/chia seeds to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

The middle region of the cheeks is a window to the stomach and lungs. Consider common allergens like wheat and dairy and reduce acid forming food like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar from the diet. Instead replace it with alkalizing foods like green vegetables.

Wrinkles and breakouts in the lower cheeks, nose, and mouth region are connected to the liver and stomach as well, these may be caused by food intolerance’s and toxic buildup. Eating green vegetables and whole foods with fiber, eliminating artificial ingredients, and drinking vegetable juices may support the liver and stomach.

The jawline is a window to the ovaries and/or colon. Breakouts are usually triggered by hormonal stress. Consider a low-glycemic diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Sleep is also very important in keeping stress levels at bay.

The lymph nodes are stress level indicators. When they are swollen they are fighting off bacteria to prevent an illness. Practice self-care routines to bring down stress levels emotionally and physically, eat a balanced diet, get extra rest, and light exercise in the form of yoga and meditation.

References: Integrative Nutrition

What Is Soda Doing To You?

I was an obsessive soda drinker when I was a kid, I never ever drank water because “I didn’t like that it had no taste!” I was addicted to the sugar, I would finish three 12 packs of Mountain Dew in college during a 3 week winter break, that’s 36 cans!! I would go out to dinner, drink a Coke, hang out with friends, drink the available soda. One year I went to the dentist and she asked me why my teeth were so soft, my answer… I just got back from vacation and the only thing I drank was Coke. So what exactly was that soda doing to my body?

What I am writing about doesn’t happen after drink 1-2 carbonated sugar beverages, its takes years and years of soda abuse to incur all these health challenges.

  • Drinking soda compromises the metabolic system, it can increase the risk of diabetes. A can of soda usually has 50% of sugar in it, that is way over the daily limit we need.
  • Sodas contain BVO (brominated vegetable oil) which is a chemical linked to skin rashes and nerve disorders.
  • The phosphates, phosphoric and citric acid in a can of soda increases the shelf life, however, its decreases bone density and leads to accelerated aging. It also alters the pH balance in the mouth, leading to permanent dental enamel erosion.
  • Soda increases triglycerides which leads to atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries, which could eventually lead to heart attack or failure.
  • Diet sodas contain the artificial sweetener, aspartame, which is linked to cancer. It also contains dyes such as Yellow & Red 5 etc., which is toxic to brain cells.

I eventually had to stop drinking soda like a fiend, I was dehydrated and felt like crap all the time. Now I try to consume 55 oz of water according to my weight and when I do drink soda, it hurts to drink so I DO NOT miss it at all! Have a good week yall 🙂

Mental Resistance

Mental resistance is when our brains are hardwired to move away or resist from anything we think to be uncomfortable, so therefore staying within our comfort zones. To break out of mental resistance, practicing mindfulness and becoming aware when resistant thoughts occur and also recognizing how it makes your body feel, will rewire your neural pathways in the brain.

There are different versions of mental resistance:

  1. Procrastination: “I have so much to do, i’ll just do it later” but in reality, you’re just avoiding getting started, possibly due to the fear of failing.
  2. Fear: “This is new and scary”, “what if I fail?” – fear is the root cause of mental resistance. When you’re experiencing resistant thoughts and feelings, recognize what you may be afraid of in that moment.
  3. Immediate gratification: distracting ourselves with TV shows, movies, news, food, sex, drugs, and alcohol to avoid starting something that may be difficult.
  4. Self-doubt: “I am not ready”, “I don’t know how”, “I don’t deserve that”, “I’m not worthy of that”, “what if they don’t like me?” – you can always learn something and become proficient in it, and everyone is deserving of anything they desire. If you want it, go get it. End that negative self talk! Love yourself ❤
  5. Criticism of others: Focusing on how we think others should live, to avoid ourselves and what we need to work on.
  6. Analysis paralysis: The state of over-analyzing or over-thinking a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, causing a paralysis of the outcome.

What Is Perception?!

The Merriam-Webster’s definition of perception is:

1) a. A result of perceiving or observation

b. A mental image or concept.

2) Consciousness

3) a. Awareness of the elements of the environment through physical sensation

     b. Physical sensation interpreted In the light of an experience

4) a. Quick and intuitive cognition or appreciation

b. A capacity for comprehension

The last 5 days I’ve had off of work for July 4th, and honestly to me it has felt like 2 weeks! I am so blessed to be able to go on another cruise with my momma, we had such a rockin’ time! We ate, we took midafternoon naps in the sun, and we were watching endless entertainment from one day into the next! It was a 3 day cruise but to me it felt like 5. I am so grateful to have Mondays off, so having one more day off made my perception of time feel like it was going by slower than it really was. Now after 5 days I am so ready to head back to work and get back into my routine of sleeping early, waking up early, exercising and making that $$$. I had such an eventful week and I enjoyed every moment of what we did! We met so many nice people, ate delicious food, saw a lot of amazing performers, and did awesome things!!

My mom’s perception of time was that our vacation was too short and she wanted to stay longer, completely understandable, who doesn’t want to just do nothing for a week while also doing so much at the same time. CRAZY I KNOW! Neither ways of how we viewed our vacation is right or wrong, it is just how two people perceive the same exact vacation differently. So if you’re ever in a disagreement with someone, to avoid a screaming match, consider what their perception might be, it may be different than yours and that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. There really is no right or wrong in this lifetime!

Have a great week!!

Is Your Sleep at Night Adequate?

We live in a chaotic world that has forgotten the importance of sleep for optimal health, most people are constantly on the go for work, pulling all nighters to study for exams, or dealing with stress which can lead to insomnia. Insomnia affects 70 million people, and many people are reaching for stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks during the day and using relaxants such as alcohol and sleep medications (prescriptions) or supplements like melatonin or valerian root to wind down at night. This is a vicious cycle that can create an unhealthy dependency which can ultimately lead to gaining weight, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritability, anxiety, digestive issues, and even risks for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

We need to remember it’s okay to rest and to give our bodies a break! When we sleep our organs are recovering from working all day, tissues are repairing, and if you do heavy lifting, your muscles repair and protein synthesizes during sleep. Hormones that regulate appetite control such as ghrelin and leptin, stress, growth, and metabolism are released as well. Most importantly, when we sleep our memories are processed and consolidated, this allows for more memory storage which is vital for learning new information. So in addition to sleep affecting the mind- focus and creativity- it also affects the body and immune system.

Adults 18 years and older need between 7-9 hours of sleep a night, if you are younger you need more!!! To achieve restful sleep, eat your lightest meal in the evening consisting of protein and healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, ghee, salmon are just some examples). This stabilizes blood sugar levels and avoids an insulin spike and crash cycle. Limit sugar consumption and do not drink caffeine after 2pm.

Your environment plays a huge role in deep sleep, keeping your bedroom clutter free, using calm/cool colors and good smells like essential oils decreases stressful energy. Removing all electronic devices is major because they all emit blue light which affects your body’s natural production of the hormone melatonin. This includes TVs, computers, tablets, and laptops, (this one is hard I know, it took me 27 years to finally give my TV the boot!) Blue light also leads to premature macular degeneration so use a bluelight filter if you can! Electromagnetic radiation is a serious thing guys, put your phones on airplane mode when you’re sleeping and keep it as far away from you as possible.

Reducing light and sound exposure is crucial for deep sleep. Creating a bed time routine which consists of sleeping at the same time every night and limiting technology and artificial light is also helpful for our circadian rhythms! Reading a book, journaling when those nagging thoughts occur, yoga, stretching, meditation, and deep breathing are some ways to get the body to relax at night instead of keeping it stimulated with light!

These are all lifestyle changes for sure, no need to do them all at once, but implementing them slowly will make a difference!

Do You Eat The Rainbow?

Fruits and vegetables are such a huge part of a nutrient dense balanced diet, are you implementing at least one color on your plate? I just recently discovered that eating starches with proteins is a poor food combination leading to improper digestion. WAIT WHAT??? I’ve been doing that my whole life!!! For optimal protein digestion, you need an acidic environment to break down your foods into nutrients, however, when starches are paired with proteins, the acidity is neutralized. This prevents proper digestion and this could lead to stomach discomfort, gas and bloating.

A colorful variety of vegetables is a great replacement for the potatoes, pastas, beans, and grains that are usually paired with every lunch and dinner. Fruits are a solid substitute for sugar cravings! This small dietary modification will boost your overall health and well-being by enhancing your digestion and nutrient assimilation and improving energy levels. Doesn’t everyone want to kick that nasty coffee addiction for natural energy levels that lasts your whole day??!

Red fruits and vegetables contain carotenoid lycopene which helps fight free radical damage to genes. It also has vitamin A which is needed for healthy skin!

  • tomatoes
  • watermelon
  • pink grapefruit
  • red apples
  • strawberries
  • cranberries

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain alpha carotene which protects against cancer, beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, and beta cryptothanxin which is vital for cell communication. It also has vitamin C which is needed for a healthy immunity!

  • apricots
  • mangos
  • carrots
  • pumpkins
  • cantaloupes
  • acorn & winter squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • pinapple
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • papaya
  • nectarines
  • corn

Green fruits and vegetables contain the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which is said to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. It is also a source of
sulforaphane and isocyanate which inhibits cancer by reducing carcinogens, and vitamin K which is needed for healthy cells!

  • spinach
  • kale
  • bok choy & chinese cabbage
  • brussel sprouts
  • cabbage
  • broccoli
  • collard greens
  • turnip & mustard greens
  • green peas
  • avocados
  • honeydew melon

Purple fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants known as anthocyanins which is said to protect against heart disease by preventing blood clots!

  • eggplants
  • beets
  • purple grapes
  • prunes
  • blueberries
  • blackberries

White fruits and vegetables have antimicrobial properties, they also contain allicin which has anti-tumor properties. It includes flavonoids, quercetin and kaempferol which are anti-oxidants!

  • cauliflower
  • garlic
  • onions
  • leeks
  • scallions
  • celery
  • pears
  • endives
  • chives

Could Your Depression and Anxiety Be Caused By Candida Overgrowth?

In December 2018 I went to a naturopath and during my visit, as she was clearing my energy blocks, she mentioned the word candida. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, then in January I began researching what could be the causes of chronic dry scalp. I was finally fed up after trying everything from all the dandruff shampoos, washing my hair everyday, all sorts of hair oils, nothing worked!!! I was led to possible fungal growth (nasty), upon hearing this word naturally I was disturbed and something had to be done immediately.

At the same time I was getting acne on the side of my cheeks near my ears. If anyone has an acne issue and is insecure about it like I have been all my life, read about acne face mapping here My self-healing mind is constantly wanting to find out the reasons behind things that make me feel bad which ultimately make me feel sad, so to squash all those negative emotions, I start reading for hours on the topic at hand. So for me, the acne on my cheeks was a representation of respiratory issues, and I am an asthmatic and have seasonal/environmental allergies, so the glove fit.

So now back to candida, after extensive research I came across the word candida again. Total synchronicity with my doctor’s visit. Candida is a yeast present in the mouth and intestines in small amounts, its function is to assist in digestion and nutrient absorption. The symptoms of candida overgrowth include

  • chronic fatigue and brain fog
  • fibromyalgia
  • digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
  • autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis
  • poor memory, struggles concentrating and focusing
  • skins issues such as eczema, hive and rashes
  • irritability and mood swings
  • depression and anxiety
  • seasonal allergies or itchy ears
  • refined carbs and sugar cravings
  • fungal/yeast infections including on the skin, vaginal infections and UTIs
  • sinus infections
  • leaky gut
  • joint pain

From that list, I had leaky gut, the sugar and carb cravings, the irritability and anxiety, eczema, seasonal allergies and itchy ears. That was enough to have me convinced. Upon further research I discovered the causes of candida overgrowth and I was guilty of the first 3, the medication being antibiotics throughout my life.

  • having a diet high in refined carbs and sugars feeds the candida
  • consuming excessive amounts of alcohol
  • taking medications including but not limited to pain killers, antibiotics, birth control, and steroids disrupts the gut microbiome, (causing the bad bacteria to overthrow the good bacteria that protects against candida overgrowth)
  • chronic stress
  • chemical exposure to chlorine and fluoride kills good bacteria
  • diabetes

In January I SLOWLY cut sugars and refined carbs (not complex carbs which are good for you!) dairy, gluten, grains (white rice), starchy vegetables (potatoes and carrots), and any condiments. I began implementing proteins and fats into my diet. For breakfast, I replaced the yogurt and granola for eggs and avocados. For lunch and dinner I had to stop eating out as I don’t know what goes into the food that feeds the candida so I began cooking at home with foods with anti-fungal properties including cooking with and consuming copious amounts of coconut oil, bitter greens such as dandelion greens, rutabaga, pumpkins seeds, millet and quinoa (as a grain substitute), salmon for the high amounts of omega 3, and bone broth which heals the gut.

I cannot stress the importance of not rushing this process as you will experience the symptoms I mentioned get worse before they get better but do not give up!! Take your time first starving the candida from its life sources. Then after a 30 day candida cleanse, implement anti-fungal supplements found at health stores (pau d’ arco, oregano oil, caprylic acid, black walnut hull), and the final step is to repopulate your gut microbiome with good bacteria using probiotics.

Be aware of rapid candida die-off, it may release toxins into the bloodstream and cause adverse reactions known as the Herxheimer Reaction. In March I stepped up the cleanse, I began getting rashes on my neck, the back of my knees and arms, my eczema also got worse around my eyes and I was extremely itchy at night. I read it was normal for the toxins to come out through your skin if your digestive system and liver weren’t removing the toxins fast enough.

I began taking the following supplements to boost my liver and digestive system and since implementing them in my daily routine my rashes and itching have gotten so much better!

  • Milk Thistle detoxes the liver
  • N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) breaks down the biofilm of candida
  • Triphala is an ayurvedic digestive supplement
  • Neem, tulsi (holy basil), and guduchi are all ayurvedic anti-fungal supplements
  • Turmeric is for inflammation
  • L-glutamine rebuilds the intestinal lining from leaky gut
  • Magnesium is for digestion
  • digestive plant enzymes to boost my HCL for nutrient absorption

If you think you may have candida overgrowth and you have any questions regarding the cleanse or the process feel free to ask me as I am currently doing it. It can be overwhelming but take it step by step, day by day! When you find a community of like-minded souls detoxing their temple body’s, it becomes easier! Here are links to do your own research as well.

The Mercury Levels are Fishy!

I am a fish lover so this is a shout out to all my pescaterians out there, this one is for you!!! I love the ocean for its abysmal vastness, majestic marine beauty and I am so grateful for the food it provides us with. Lets just take a minute to appreciate our oceans!

Generations of earth abuse has finally caught up to us, waste and coal burning has contributed to atmospheric pollution, leading to high levels of mercury releasing into the air. With rain, this mercury is deposited in the ocean and bioaccummulates into our fish supply, meaning it is absorbed through their gills and stored in their tissues and muscles. Once mercury comes in contact with water, it is converted to methylmercury which is extremely toxic to humans, so try to avoid it if you can because it stores in the adipose tissue (fat) in us as well.

I am here to share with you for those who do not know, the kinds of fish with the most and least amounts of mercury so you can eat consciously and treat your body with the care it deserves!

General rule of thumb to follow is that the biggest fish have the highest levels of mercury because they eat the small fish, so go small! The following list contains the least amounts of mercury so eat them to your heart’s content!

  • Haddock
  • Salmon – high in the healthy fat, omega 3!!!
  • Flounder
  • Catfish
  • Anchovies
  • Clams
  • Crawfish
  • Crab
  • Oysters
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Scallops
  • Shrimp
  • Sole
  • Trout
  • Whitefish
  • Tilapia – make sure it is wild caught NOT FARMED!

The following list has mild to moderate amounts of mercury, eat under 6 servings a month.

  • Alaskan Cod
  • Halibut
  • Snapper
  • Mahi Mahi
  • Monkfish
  • Carp
  • Lobster

Finally AVOID THE FOLLOWING due to HIGH mercury levels!!!!

  • King Mackerel
  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Marlin
  • Grouper
  • Bluefish
  • Croaker
  • Orange Roughy
  • Chilean Seabass
  • Perch
  • Tilefish

I usually eat salmon and wild caught Atlantic cod and they are very simple to cook! I’ll season it with garlic, salt, pepper, fresh herbs, chili peppers from my garden, and bake or broil it for 20 minutes (picture included)! I use a different combination of fresh herbs including rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley, dill, and chives depending on how far I want to venture out into the garden that night!