The PMS Diet!

Who else experiences PMS symptoms of existential dread and sadness which suddenly turns into rage and then after 5 minutes you realize you are on an emotional roller coaster and this is not how you really are?? I DO, and it used to be so much worse before I found out we could eat the right foods to lessen these manic feelings!! That’s just the emotional part of it, but the physical symptoms of cramps, acne, breast tenderness, lower back pain, BM issues, bloating, and fatigue can also be balanced with the proper nutrients.

When I was in college I knew nothing about nutrition. I moved away from my luxury of home cooked food, so my diet predominantly consisted of Wendy’s, a lot of prepackaged foods, and eating out a majority of the time. Definitely not the healthiest time period of my life, but we live and we learn! Since 2018 I’ve been implementing healthier dietary and lifestyle choices and now in 2023 I can say with confidence that what we put into our body and how we nourish it is so important.

My mood swings have severely reduced, they do occur on occasion but I can attribute it to my hormones and instead of being hard on myself, I’m trying to be understanding of it. The physical symptoms for me used to be so much more intense than they are now! In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they say if women feel discomfort it’s associated with an imbalance. Eating the right foods help bring your hormones and body into balance.

It’s key to limit and/or avoid high sugar, artificial/processed foods, and foods using white flour such as white bread, pastas, and pizzas. Focus on eating whole foods consisting of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins that inhibit inflammation which can help with cramps and also protect against oxidative stress.

Omega 3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, and seeds promote a healthy inflammatory response as well and can help with mood.

Dark chocolate can curb the sugar cravings and is a source of iron and magnesium. Iron is necessary due to the loss of iron during our cycle and magnesium promotes a positive mood and relaxes the smooth muscles which can also be beneficial for cramps.

Lentils and beans are a good source of protein for those following a vegetarian diet. Avocados and ghee (clarified butter) are other fantastic healthy fats. Filling in nutritional gaps with food is essential for whole body health.

Skin Wellness

Beauty begins from within! What if I were to tell you that skincare can be linked to our hormones, our gut health, and our diets. Did you know that psoriasis and eczema are skin disorders that originate from leaky gut?? Many skin issues can clear up if our hormones are brought into balance, we heal our guts, and make changes to our diets so we get more nutrients into our bodies.  A lot of topical products contain chemicals that can actually be detrimental to our health, so always look out for clean brands. Long term exposure to toxins that penetrate our skin (our largest organ!) and into our tissues can be a cause for certain cancers and illnesses such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Even prescription steroid creams and oral antibiotics can wreak havoc on our gut microbiome, which further exacerbates skin issues. In addition, those are only band-aid solutions to a bigger root condition that can be healed through diet and lifestyle.

So what can you do to begin your skin wellness regimen?

  1. Eat less sugar and processed foods
  2. Eliminate food sensitivities
  3. Fix the gut imbalance
  4. Eat an omega-3 rich diet
  5. Optimize nutrient status
  6. Exercise and sweat regularly
  7. Get great sleep
  8. Curb stress levels with active relaxation
  9. Be careful with toxic skin products

Here is a list of clean cosmetic brands!


Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body and most people are magnesium deficient. This is due to our soils being stripped of essential nutrients because of industrial farming methods. Magnesium is vital for d3 absorption, and both are necessary for bone health amongst a plethora of other health benefits. Magnesium helps with restless leg syndrome, restful sleep, migraines, healthy bowel movements and cramps, to name a few. Are you getting enough magnesium daily?

It’s estimated that 64% of men and 67% of women in the United States are not receiving an adequate dietary intake of magnesium. In addition to soil depletion, excess sodium intake, high alcohol and caffeine intake, and proton pump inhibitors used for acid reflux can also contribute to low magnesium levels.

Here is a list of magnesium rich foods, and if you don’t generally eat these foods, supplementation is suggested to get your daily intake of magnesium. For men 420mg and for woman 320mg is the recommended dietary allowance.

-Dark Chocolate


-Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, and brazil nuts



-Flax, pumpkin, and chia seeds

-Wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, brown rice and quinoa

-Salmon, mackerel, and halibut


-Kale, spinach, collard, turnip, and mustard greens

-Swiss chard

-Lima beans


Not all magnesium is the same either, so which one do you need?

–Magnesium citrate is easily absorbed and the most bioavailable form that’s used to help with constipation, it’s also used for mood disorders as well such anxiety and depression.

–Magnesium L threonate is a form of magnesium that crosses the blood brain barrier that’s beneficial for memory and cognitive health, it also supports positive mood and helps with cramp.

–Magnesium acetyl taurate was recently tested and has been shown to support PMS cramps and symptoms of stress which include nervous tension, anxiety, irritability, headache, fatigue, and depression.

–Magnesium oxide and chloride is beneficial for migraines, and digestive symptoms such as indigestion, constipation and heartburn.

–Magnesium sulfate also known as Epsom salts helps with muscle relaxation and stress relief.

–Magnesium glycinate is the best form for sleep and can also help with migraines, heart disease and diabetes.

–Magnesium orotate promotes heart health by supporting the energy production pathways in the heart and blood vessel tissues.

The best way to know if you’re magnesium deficient is to get tested for it!

Foods That Help With Depression

The following foods are the top foods to help fight depression. Why?


Mustard, turnip, or beet greens

Collard greens

Swiss chard


Chicory greens



Nuts/seeds (flax and chia)

Lettuce (red, green, romaine)

Peppers (bell, serrano, jalepeno)

Fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley)


Wild caught salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, and (not canned) tuna

Probiotic foods (kimichi, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh, tofu, yogurt, kefir)

Wild caught fish, nuts and seeds are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which is vital for brain health. It helps boost serotonin (our happy hormone) which is a neurotransmitter for mood regulation.

Beans are an awesome source of protein and fiber which stabilizes blood sugar levels. They also contain folate which is a B vitamin that helps the body produce DNA, RNA, blood cells and it also metabolizes proteins.

Dark leafy vegetables contain ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) which is one of the 3 main types of omega 3s, the other two are DHA and EPA. They also contain phytonutrients that nourish your body with a plethora of vitamins and minterals. FIBER FIBER FIBER! Having 30-50 grams of fiber daily does wonders for your gut health. Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin, it prevents cancer, balances hormone levels, and removes excess estrogen which reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Eating whole foods allows our body to digest and assimilate nutrients effectively. The Standard American Diet consists of processed foods filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives which have 0 nutritional value. We need to consume wholesome foods that regulate our gut microbiome which in turn will positively impact our mental health.

So look out for those foods rich in vitamins and healthy fats to nourish your body and mind. Avoid those highly sugary and processed foods, which are high in omega 6 fats that lead to inflammation.

Sugar Addiction!

How many people know that sugar is a real addiction?! Our ancestors did not have access to as much sugar as we have to today. Sugar is everywhere and it’s honestly scary what it’s doing to our society. Brain scans show the dopamine release of a cocaine user and high sugar consumer –an obese person, and the results are not that shocking. Sugar and cocaine do look similar so why wouldn’t they have the same effect on the brain? So if you think you don’t do drugs, think again… you are getting the same dopamine release through SUGAR!!!

Artificial sugar is toxic, inflammatory, and it has 0 benefits for our body, it actually hurts our immune system. Just consider how much sugar you consume in 1 single day! How many spoons of sugar do you put in your coffee? 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4.2 grams of sugar so knowing that you can calculate how much you are consuming. The recommended amount to limit per day is 4 tsp for kid, 5 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men. Anything over this is now just hurting your mind and body. A pillar of good health is awareness, being aware of what you are putting into your body, how much, how it makes you feel etc. Knowing this helps you accommodate for feeling your absolute best.

Replace the sugary juices and sodas for water. There is nothing more refreshing than water!! I grew up never drinking water, I drank a disgusting amount of sugar now that I think back on my childhood years. I drank so much mountain dew, lemonade, Coca-Cola, ugh just thinking about it makes me cringe! I drank so much soda that when I went to the dentist she asked me why my teeth were soft… that was eye opening! Yet I still didn’t change because I had never drank water and I wasn’t going to start now!

It wasn’t until I was 21 that I started drinking water because I would’ve died of dehydration in Ecuador if I didnt! I was building a staircase for a community on a mountain in Esmeralda while on a medical mission trip and I was hauling concrete for hours, if I didn’t drink water because I was craving sugar I would’ve certainly perished!

My issue was that I didn’t like water because it had no taste, that’s where the sugar addiction part comes in. Our brains crave that sugary drink for that hit of dopamine! A good way to convert to a water lover is by almost dying doing what you love HAHA. It was after that life or death experience (or so it seemed!) that made me a water drinker. I try to drink 55oz a day as per recommended for my weight but I have to admit that I don’t always meet the goal. There’s always room for improvement I say!

I still drink lemonade here and there but I am conscious about my water intake now because I can feel my body is more tired and in pain on days that I drink less. Water to me now is so refreshing, I feel alive!!!

Remember sugar just isn’t in beverages, it’s also hidden in A LOT of packaged and processed foods. Always read the ingredient list and nutritional label before you eat or drink anything. Personally I like to know what I’m putting into my body. Here are ways to kick your sugar addiction today!

Breaking Sugar Addiction!

What Happens When You Skip Breakfast? Part 1

I was an avid skipper of breakfast in high school, not because I wanted to but I would have to be there at 7:20am and my tummy was NEVER ready to eat at 6:45am. I bet there are a lot of people that can relate… Now that I reflect back on those times… I can clearly remember starving my entire morning and not giving my full focus to whatever I was learning, I was just waiting for lunch. I didn’t have lunch until 12:12pm, and until then I was just starving myself and I can see how it impacted my motivation to be in school and learn.

Fast forward 10 years… Ever since I became a responsible adult with a full time job I HAVE to eat breakfast, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Breakfast is the fuel that gets me going to have a productive day, to stay focused and it regulated my entire eating schedule to stay energized throughout the day. So what happens when we skip breakfast??? Let’s find out!

When we don’t eat breakfast we increase our chances of getting type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance and hormone regulation. When we are hungry our body releases a hormone called ghrelin, this stimulates our appetites. When we are full, our body releases leptin, which is the satiety hormone and a huge component in weight loss. When we neglect the messages our body is telling us, something is bound to happen. In this case, not giving nourishment to our body with food when it needs it, is like not giving a car gas when it’s about to run out of fuel. Hormonal imbalances are a leading cause of so many other diseases such obesity, autoimmune diseases like type 1 & 2 diabetes, PMS, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are to name a few.

Insulin is a hormone our body uses to convert glucose (a sugar found in carbohydrates) into energy. When we don’t eat food our blood sugar levels drop and obviously we all know what happens when we don’t eat… we get mean! HAHA! Over time our pancreas keep releasing more and more insulin until we become insulin resistant which is when our cells don’t respond to insulin anymore, resulting in type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and high cholesterol levels AKA heart disease.

Another negative side effect of not eating breakfast is increased levels of the stress hormone, cortisol! It also increases acid reflux. When our body feels hungry it releases acid for digestion and if there is no food to digest it’s just going to sit in your gut causing further issues.

As seen with holistic medicine, when one part of the body is affected by disease, it could be linked due to the neglect of another part of the body. So pleaseeee eat breakfast!!! I know it can be hard, I’ve been there and as I made it an everyday routine to eat in the morning it became easier and easier to do. Even something small like fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, (watch out for excess sugar!), or eggs, will get rid of that brain fog, fatigue, lack of concentration and will replace it with lots of energy, motivation and good health!

The Health Risks of Blue Light!

What is blue light? On the light spectrum, the color blue has the shortest wavelength and contains the highest energy, this is beneficial to boost attention, mood and reaction times. Sunlight is the main source of blue light, that’s why when the sun rises our bodies already know it’s time to wake up and stay alert, in its natural form it’s completely healthy for us. The problem arises when we are exposed to artificial blue light from digital devices toward the evening when our bodies are ready to wind down for sleep.

There are numerous Harvard Health medical studies that show blue light exposure suppresses the release of melatonin which is what is needed to fall asleep at night, therefore disrupting the circadian rhythm. Keeping our circadian rhythm balanced is crucial for our overall health. Maintaining restful and healthy sleep allows our bodies to heal overnight, without this, it’ll lead to health problems such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, and obesity.

The indoor sources of blue light that we simply cannot get away from include phones, tablets, TVs, computer monitors, fluorescent and LED light bulbs. Ways to limit exposure so it’s not compromising our hormones and our eyes is to wear blue blocking glasses, cut back on screen time 2-3 hours before bed, dim the brightness on phones or use night mode, use the blue light filter as well. Fun little fact, incandescent light bulbs which are thing of the past because of how much energy it consumes contains the least amount of blue light compared to LED and fluorescent bulbs!

Our eyes are not very good at blocking out blue light. Artificial blue light passes through the cornea and lens, penetrating the retina, and over exposure can damage light sensitive cells which can eventually lead to macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is the loss of vision due to damage in the retina and typically occurs in our older years, however, now its occurring earlier due to digital devices.

Root Causes of Hormone Imbalances

Hormonal imbalance is a root cause for so many other illnesses such as PMS, PCOS, autoimmune disorders, and mental health disorders, but what is the root cause of the hormonal imbalance in the first place?

If we want to feel good, look our best and thrive in every area of our lives, our hormones need to be working together in harmony. If something feels off, it probably is, our bodies can tell us best. However, it can be hard to heal it completely if we don’t know where it stems from. Some common root causes for hormone imbalance that may manifest as symptoms include:

Chronic stress: When our bodies experience a stressful event, it goes into survival mode. This is when our adrenal glands pump out our stress hormone, cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels tell our body to divert resources from anything not seen as important (i.e. digestion, a healthy period, and ovulation) in a life or death situation, so our body can allocate all of our energy on our survival. Over time this depletes our hormone levels, leading to fatigue, infertility, acne, PMS, PCOS, constipation, diarrhea, and insomnia.

Blood sugar imbalances: blood sugar balance is key for healthy hormone function. Eating excessive sugar, processed foods, overconsumption of alcohol and caffeine, skipping meals, not sleeping, and high stress activities disrupt sugar levels by causing it to spike and then crash. This leads to insulin constantly releasing, resulting in insulin resistance. This is a major contributor to PMS, PCOS, diabetes, cravings, and brain fog.

Dieting or undereating: If our diets aren’t providing us with enough energy to make our hormones, it’ll prioritize the production of the stress hormones first because they are essential for survival. This leads to unhealthy fluctuations in our hormone levels, triggering unwanted symptoms like infertility, stubborn weight loss, irregular periods, brain fog, constipation, etc.

Gut conditions: When the gut bacteria becomes unbalanced, food and nutrients aren’t absorbed well and larger particles cross the gut lining, known as leaky gut. This leads to food sensitivities and increases inflammation in the body. It also affects hormone production, as nutrient absorption via our gut is necessary to synthesize hormones.

Having a baby: Pregnancy can lead to hormonal imbalance due to nutrient depletion, lack of sleep, and extreme hormone fluctuations postpartum. These usually show up in the form of thyroid conditions, low progesterone or excess estrogen.

Overtaxed liver: Our livers are responsible for filtering out toxins and excess hormones. When the liver gets overloaded with caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, toxins, and heavy metals, it ineffectively processes hormones, specifically estrogen, dumping it back into our bloodstream. This leads to estrogen dominance which is a key component of painful periods, fibroids, cysts, and breast cancer.

Birth control/medications: Birth control, antibiotics, anti-depressants, and other common drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen (NSAIDs) cause gut dysbiosis. Recent research also shows that synthetic birth control shrinks your clitoris and ovaries, reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients needed for fertility and menstruation, and increases the risk of autoimmune diseases.

The Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)!

With our technological world advancing rapidly, there is a link between high exposure of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and negative health effects such as cellular damage. First off as human beings we have an invisible electromagnetic field surrounding our bodies, you know this when you get a static shock… we are electric! When we are exposed to fields that interfere with ours, that when our cells start mutating on a genetic level leading to cancer, for example.

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer claims that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic to humans and could lead to a higher risk of various cancers, including leukemia. One of the largest studies involving high exposure of cell phone usage to a brain and spinal cord cancer known as glioma shows that this type of cancer is more often found on the same side of the head that people use to speak on their phones.

Over 2 dozen recent studies suggest that low frequency EMFs may cause neurological and psychiatric problems, causing changes in human nerve function within the body, affecting mood and sleep. Devices that emit low frequency EMFs include microwaves, radars, radios, cell phones, TVs, tablets, computers, computer screens, laptops, electrical power strips, cable boxes, Wi-Fi-routers, Bluetooth devices, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi towers, light dimmers, and powerlines, are only some, X-rays and MRIs emit higher frequency radiation. Constant exposure to these things in our environment and devices on a daily basis build up over time that’s why it is vital to implement grounding devices to protect your immediate area from radiation exposure.

Grounding devices can be expensive, some ways to limit exposure to radiation on a budget is to turn off any power strips in your room while you’re sleeping so the TV, cable box, computer and screen are turned off, put your phone on airplane mode away from your head. Make sure all electronic devices are shut off and put far away from your body, most people use TV to help fall asleep, however, the artificial light emitted from the screen is depleting our melatonin levels (the sleep hormone).

Prolonged exposure over time to these low frequency emitting devices may cause symptoms such as headaches, chronic fatigue, insomnia, issues with memory and concentration, irritability, nausea, weight loss, loss of appetite, anxiety, and depression, and possible changes in electrical brain activity. There isn’t anything to be worried about if you are aware of the concern and you take the steps to reduce exposure. I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists claiming 5G caused Coronavirus, haha but it is important to be aware of what we are exposed to in our environments and what it’s doing to us on a genetic/biological level. If you are interested in creating a completely EMF free zone look up how to create a Faraday Cage.


Our Hormones!

We know we have hormones but do we even know what they do? I’ll let you know what’s going on in our body! When I first started observing how I felt when I’d read an angry text or watch an awesome show/movie I realized I could FEEL my hormones going through my body. This is how I became conscious of my body and how I could stop feeling “that type of way” during an uncomfortable situation. I used to be a very angry person, who can relate? But now I passively listen and observe and I don’t let my body control me, I control my body! Have you ever been in a heated texting match with your partner because you just need to get your point across, and you can feel your blood boiling? Or how about when your stomach is grumbling or you feel so full that you can’t eat another bite? These are all messages from our hormones! Many hormones are created in the gut and sent to the brain via the gut-brain axis so it’s so important to maintain a healthy gut!! (Check out my post on the link between the gut and brain!)

Ghrelin – is our hunger hormone, this increases when we have a LACK of sleep! Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep this in balanced because this hormone regulates our appetite. If we aren’t getting restful sleep, our appetite will crave very unhealthy things like sugar and salt at very unhealthy times!

Leptin – is our satiety hormone, this is released when we are feeling full, therefore, decreasing our appetites. So when you feel like you’re full DON’T OVER EAT!!! Even if you feel like you’re wasting food, be conscious of how much you can eat beforehand so you don’t feel regretful later about wasting food. This hormone increases our metabolism.

Insulin – this is something everyone has obviously heard of, diabetics everywhere! Insulin converts glucose into glycogen (stored glucose) and fat and it lowers blood sugar by converting glucose into energy. It stimulates the absorption of amino acids as well as protein synthesis in our muscles.

Growth hormones – also stimulates protein synthesis and amino acid absorption. It breaks down fats for energy and it promotes cell production.

Glucagon – breaks down glycogen for energy by increasing blood glucose levels, this results in a release of insulin.

Testosterone – these are male sex hormones, women also have this in small amounts. It regulates protein synthesis as well as increasing muscle and bone density growth.

Estrogen – these are the primary female sex hormones also found in small amounts in men. It enhances HDL blood levels (good cholesterol) so it’s vital to keep this in balance because excess can lead to breast cancer and heart disease, and watch out for those estrogen mimickers everywhere! (Check out my blog on endocrine disrupters). It also increases growth hormone and cortisol and promotes lung function.

Cortisol – this is released when we are stressed, so excess cortisol will store and lead to chronic inflammation. When cortisol is released, it raises the heart rate, pressure, and glucose levels in response to the stress. This is responsible for breaking down proteins and fats for energy. Try observing how you feel the next time your blood is boiling, that’s cortisol running through your blood.

Adrenaline – breaks down glycogen and fat for energy, it’s released when we are ready to fight or flight. High levels of adrenaline as a result of chronic stress can also lead to chronic inflammation and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Remember chronic inflammation leads to illnesses such as heart disease and obesity.

Oxytocin – is the hormone that is released during childbirth and sex, it’s also found in breast milk. It’s the hormone that is also released when we stare into a cat, dog, or baby’s eyes and feel that feeling of unconditional love!

Dopamine – this hormone regulates how our brain perceives and experiences pleasure, which is when it is released. Constantly releasing this hormone can lead to addictive habits to recreate that pleasurable experience.

Seratonin – this is responsible for regulating mood, sleep, and digesting food. 95% is created in the gut, so consider most mental health issues like depression and anxiety may just stem from an imbalanced gut. Excess serotonin may cause sleep issues, while low serotonin leads to crippling anxiety, it’s all about maintaining a balance.

Melatonin – this hormone is created in our pineal gland when it begins getting dark outside to let our brain and bodies know it’s ready to wind down and get ready for bed. This regulates our circadian rhythm and when we have artificial light all around us, including TVs and cell phones the blue light depletes our melatonin production which can cause all sorts of sleep and health issues.

There are so many other hormones that I haven’t mentioned, these are just some that we’ve all heard of at some point in time and could perhaps be familiar with. We should all know what happens in our bodies!!

Foods That Lower Cholesterol Naturally!

Heart disease has widely been known to be caused by high cholesterol levels and due to that, doctors are quick to put patients on Statins by the age of 45. Did you know that heart attacks and atherosclerosis are ALSO caused by white blood cells entering the arteries following LDL blocking the arteries? Cholesterol is ESSENTIAL for brain health, however, Statins lower both LDL and HDL cholesterol. While LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be lowered,, HDL cholesterol is necessary for removing excess bad cholesterol from the blood. So instead of having to fall back on medications, opt to eat foods that NATURALLY lower LDL cholesterol!

According to a Harvard Health Study, the best foods to implement into your daily diet include:





              Fatty fish like salmon & mackerel has a lot of omega 3 fatty acids!

              Unprocessed soy

              Nuts – especially walnuts and almonds which are high monosaturated fats & omega 3 fatty acids


              Citrus fruits



              Oats & barley – whole grains that have tons of soluble fiber!




              Dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale

Dark chocolate & cocoa

Green/black/white tea

Olive oil that is left cold and not heated              


What Is Leaky Gut?

I have briefly mentioned leaky gut in previous posts as it being a leading cause of inflammation in the body, which manifests into numerous other chronic health disorders, but what is it?

When the gut lining weakens, it develops microscopic holes in the intestinal wall, allowing toxins to pass into the bloodstream. There are many contributing factors to how the gut lining weakens: our gut microbiome may become imbalanced by gut infections such as parasites, candida overgrowth, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), the foods we eat, the drugs and alcohol we may consume, chronic stress exposure, and our environment.

The toxins include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and undigested foods, and we want our gut to destroy these things. After prolonged toxin exposure in the blood, the body could experience constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, autoimmune disorders such as colitis and Crohn’s, even asthma, allergies, psoriasis, eczema, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, and depression.  Remember that the gut and brain are constantly communicating with each other (check out my posts on the Gut-Brain Axis, SIBO, and Candida Overgrowth to learn more!!) Our happy hormones are created in the gut, so if our gut is hurting, our mind will hurt as well.

Gluten is a known gut irritant and inflammatory food, along with alcohol, vegetable oils, canola oil, dairy, refined grains, and sugar (check out my post on Inflammatory Foods!!). Eliminate these foods out of your diet along with processed foods gradually by replacing them with healthier options such as organic fruits and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats (ghee/coconut/olive oil), smaller fish like salmon, seeds, and nuts. Add bone broth to your daily diet, this has a plethora of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and collagen to heal and seal the holes in the gut lining.

Some common environmental concerns include the mercury found in large/farmed fish, BPAs found in plastics, and pesticides on produce (check out my posts on Hormone Disruptors and the Best Fish To Eat With Lower Mercury Levels!!). Medications that are harsh on the gut lining include antibiotics, NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory pain killers), birth control, steroids, and PPI (acid blocking drugs).

If you know you have IBS and intestinal discomfort, check out my website Rainbow Body Vitality above in the menu to fill out a FREE health history. It will help you become conscious of your eating habits, and you can begin healing your gut today! Remember that our bodies are constantly healing, so if you target the root cause of any other medical issues you may have, you can start to feel alive again! Kick those gut related issues to the curb!!

What Foods Cause Inflammation?!

Recently, research suggests that chronic diseases such as heart disease, strokes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, autoimmune disorders such as colitis, IBS, Crohn’s, lupus, and multiple sclerosis are the result of chronic inflammation. These are all lifestyle diseases that can be prevented if you become mindful of what you put into your body, and you could avoid getting on prescription medications for these diseases if that is what you want.

So what causes chronic inflammation? Certain foods trigger an inflammatory response within the body, the following foods release inflammatory markers:

Canola/vegetable oil (inflammatory fats including trans and saturated fats)



Refined sugars

Refined grains

White flour (cakes and pastries)

Food additives (artificial ingredients)

Fried foods


Processed meats

These are foods that our body simply cannot break down and digest and also lack the essential vitamins and minerals to establish a feeling of wellbeing. Constantly incorporating these foods in your diet exposes your body to oxidative stress, and it causes leaky gut which also contributes to chronic inflammation by allowing toxins to pass through the intestinal wall to the bloodstream (this leads to mental health issues as well), and weight gain. Stay tuned for a post on leaky gut coming soon!!

Diet and lifestyle are major key players for reducing inflammation, this includes eating a whole foods diet rich in vitamins, nutrients, and healthy fats like avocados, nuts, ghee, coconut and olive oil and eliminating a processed/artificial diet. Getting proper sleep and reducing stress is so vital for health and wellness, without adequate sleep our hormones and digestion go out of whack, this in turn leads to many other disorders! Obviously exercise is a necessity for optimal health and also reducing stress, it releases endorphins, and strength training regenerates new cells and strengthens bones. Living a sedentary lifestyle can cause muscle atrophy and osteoporosis and even contribute to anxiety and depression.

Start reducing inflammation by integrating some of these foods into your diet! Some ANTI-inflammatory foods include:


Bone broth

Coconut oil


Green leafy vegetables

Bok choy







Chia seeds



Have a great week everyone!! Stay safe! 🙂

Lets Boost Our Immunity for Covid-19!

Hey guys and gals!! I hope everyone is staying safe during these trying times. It’s a crazy unpredictable situation right now in our lives, but we will eventually overcome this together! I’ve personally been an anxious mess because of how uncertain everything is, things are changing every minute and that really put me into a funk. After a while I had to really recognize all that I could be grateful for, my job, my healthy family, my happy home environment, my access to food and water, this started to bring me out of darkness. Let’s take advantage of this time to bring out the best in ourselves, help wherever you can, provide support to those that are in need. This is a great time to show everyone that the human race is actually a collective consciousness with compassion and empathy, take note toilet paper and hand sanitizer hoarders!!!

So after a month of being in a catatonic panic state I’m back with more health and wellness information so you can use this time to develop a new lifestyle to keep your body and immunity in tip top condition to fight that Covid-19!!

So let me tell you about how many chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis in our internal and external environments that interfere with our body’s hormones. Constant exposure to these chemicals have been linked to developmental, immune, brain, and reproductive disorders and eventually lead to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cancer, allergies, and some autoimmune disorders. These chemicals mimic our hormones causing an imbalance in the production of our vital hormones, and hormonal health is so crucial because it’s linked to mental health disorders as well. Hormone disruptors interfere with hormone signaling, they compete with essential nutrients, they bind to essential hormones, they accumulate in the organs that produce hormones and they cause premature cell death. How are we exposed to these? Through cosmetics, plastics, detergents, toys, certain foods and drinks, the environment, and pesticide use on produce, so essentially through our skin, our diets, the air, and our water supply.

Flame retardants (PBDEs) – this chemical imitates thyroid hormones and disrupts thyroid activity. It is found in almost all furniture with foam, mattresses, couches, cabinets, carpets, etc. To avoid this you’ll really have to do research on the furniture that does not contain this, you can also use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to reduce exposure.

Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) – are found in non-stick cookware (Teflon), microwave popcorn bags, household cleaners, cosmetics, furniture, packaged food containers, and clothing. PFC breaks down into PFOA which does not biodegrade, it affects thyroid and sex hormone levels and is linked to low birth weight, thyroid and kidney disease, high cholesterol, and sperm quality. Avoid eating microwavable popcorn, avoid using non-stick cookware, and make your own cleaners.

Glycol Ethers – are found in cleaning products, cosmetics, paints, and brake fluid. Exposure is linked lower sperm count, blood abnormalities, asthma and allergies. LOOK OUT FOR THIS WHILE COVID-CLEANING!!! Don’t lose sight of your long term health while cleaning away trying to protect yourself from coronavirus. To avoid this, use cleaners that have more natural ingredients, make your own cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

Atrazine – is an herbicide used on corn which in turn contaminates the water supply. It has been linked to delayed puberty, prostate cancer, and breast tumors. Eat organic produce and drink filtered water.

Lead – also might know this one, it’s linked to nervous system problems, miscarriages, premature birth, hearing loss, kidney damage, increased blood pressure, and brain damage. It disrupts hormones that regulate the body’s stress system. Lead is found in paint and in drinking water so make sure you filter your water!!

BPA (Bisphenol A) – this is one everyone has heard of because it is found in a lot of plastics, cans, thermal receipt paper, fast food wrappers, and polycarbonate. BPA mimics estrogen and is linked to reproductive issues, and cancers including breast cancer. How can you avoid this? Many companies are now aware of the adverse health effects so some plastics say NO BPA on it, avoid canned foods, and opt for fresh foods or the tetra packs (paper), use glass containers instead of plastic Tupperware.

Organophosphate pesticides – affects behavior, fertility, and brain development and is a commonly used pesticide on our produce. So buy organic produce when you can, search out for the Dirty Dozen list of produce which contain the most pesticides and also check out the Clean 15 list of produce that does not contain pesticides and can be bought non organic.

Mercury – is found in farmed fish so check out my blog on the fish with the least amount of mercury! Bigger fish have more and smaller fish have less, so go for the salmon and the trout.  Mercury causes brain development issues in fetuses, so pregnant woman should avoid at all costs! Mercury binds to a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation, this prevents our hormones from working correctly. It also damages cells in the pancreas which may cause diabetes (Lifestyle illness!!)

Perchlorate – alters thyroid balance by competing with iodine which is necessary for the thyroid to make hormones. These hormones regulate metabolism, brain and organ development. It is found in tap water so avoid that by drinking filtered water, you can install a reverse osmosis filter! To counter the effects of this chemical, make sure you are getting plenty of iodine throughout the day.

Dioxin – is a byproduct released during industrial manufacturing and can be found in non-organic meat and dairy. You can avoid this by cutting out or reducing meat and dairy or buying it organic. Dioxin affects the immune and reproductive systems.

Phthalates – are found in toys, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, cosmetics, lotions, scented candles, air fresheners, nail polish, and laundry detergents. These have been known to cause hormonal changes, birth defects, thyroid irregularities, diabetes, and obesity. Avoid plastic food containers and any cosmetic products that have added fragrance to it, always look at the ingredients of your cosmetics! Most toys have this chemical removed now, thankfully, we do NOT need to be exposing infants to this kind of stuff.

Arsenic – messes with how our body processes sugar and carbohydrates, this disruption leads to weight gain/loss, insulin resistance (leads to diabetes), immunosuppression, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, protein wasting, and growth deficiency. Avoid this once again by filtering your water and avoiding conventional rice and pastas.

Triclosan – is found in anti-microbial and personal care products like body wash, toothpaste, and deodorant. Once again be careful with all that hand sanitizer, it becomes resistant to bacteria after a while and can be harmful to our health in the long run!

I’ve come to realize that our water supply is highly toxic to our overall health, that’s quite ridiculous considering we need water to survive!! Thank you for those that made it to the end ❤ I love and appreciate that you take an interest in what will help us all achieve a more balanced mind, body, and soul!

How Is Gut Health Related To Mental Health?!

Recently the word “gut-brain axis” has been everywhere, but what is it?! Scientists have discovered the connections between our gut, its microbiome (bacterial quantity & quality) and our brain.

The gut (our digestive system) and the brain are connected via the largest nerve in the body called the vagus nerve. Through this link, the gut and the brain have a bi-directional (2-way) communication. Simply put, the brain and gut send signals to each other!

Did you know that many hormones and neurotransmitters are created in the gut? The top 3 neurotransmitters that everyone may have already heard of are Serotonin, Dopamine, and GABA, these all regulate mood and emotions.

  • 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut and contributes to the feeling of happiness. It also regulates appetite and digestion, and is a precursor to melatonin so it regulates sleep and our circadian rhythm.
  • 50% of dopamine is produced in the gut, and contributes to the feeling of accomplishment, reward and motivation.
  • GABA contributes to controlling the feelings of fear and anxiety. Studies on mice have shown that taking certain probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) increases GABA production in the gut, reducing depression and anxiety.

Now lets redirect to our gut microbiome, we have trillions of bacterial colonies (approximately 40 trillion) that are so important for digestion. They break down our foods and assimilate our nutrients, and it is vital for immune health as well. Our microbiome which has been developing since we were in our mother’s wombs is responsible for killing off any viruses and bad bacteria that may cause illnesses and diseases. Without these diverse warriors our health is compromised!!!

When our gut microbiome has a higher number of bad bacteria to good bacteria (dysbiosis) it causes what is known as leaky gut. This is is when the tight junctions in our intestines are permeated with holes that allow these adverse substances such as fungi and viruses to pass through into our blood. This excess exposure to toxicity causes our body to react with releasing an inflammatory toxin known as lipopolysaccaride (LPS). Chronic inflammation and high levels on LPS in the blood have been linked to severe depression, dementia and schizophrenia.

So what can we do to begin healing our gut? EAT REAL WHOLE FOODS!!! Cook your own foods with lean meats, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Eliminate sugar because it feeds the bad bacteria and artificial ingredients that our body does not recognize as food. Eliminate gluten as it is a gut irritant that contributes to leaky gut. Eat foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

PREbiotic foods: dietary fiber that feed and increase good bacteria.

  • dandelion greens
  • garlic
  • chicory root
  • onions
  • jerusalem artichoke
  • asparagus
  • bananas
  • apples
  • leeks
  • oats
  • flaxseeds

PRObiotic foods: have beneficial bacteria that studies have shown decreases the amount of cortisol that is released (stress hormone).

  • yogurt
  • miso
  • kefir
  • kombucha
  • kimchi
  • pickles
  • sauerkraut
  • buttermilk
  • tempeh

Are you in need of a gut reset? Do you need help healing your mental health? Click on my website (Rainbow Body Vitality) in the menu above and fill out a FREE health history to start your journey today! Let me help you help yourself and get that gut-brain axis in order 🙂 We can work on getting your gut regulated, inflammation reduced and mental health back to 100%.

Have a great week everyone ❤