A Novel Form of Cholesterol Reduction

Surprise! I’m back with fun new wellness nuggets of wisdom. I recently got a new job so as I was transitioning into that roll I took another blog hiatus. Sometimes life is like that, it’s wise to take a small break to come back roaring with a new you!

So I recently learned of a probiotic strain that can help manage cholesterol. Many people don’t know what probiotics are, so essentially they are beneficial bacteria that can help keep the microorganisms in your gut balanced. When your gut bacteria is balanced, it just so happens that other aspects of the mind and body can follow along. This probiotic strain known as Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 has been clinically researched to control LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and total cholesterol. BUT HOW?? Well let me tell you!!! This probiotic does so by removing cholesterol out of the body into the stool and by increasing the metabolism (breakdown) of cholesterol in the liver.

In addition to cholesterol lowering benefits, another study showed its ability in reducing the inflammatory marker known as C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. The C-reactive protein marker is used to evaluate the risk of developing coronary artery disease which is the most common cause of heart attack. Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver that promotes clotting, having high fibrinogen levels are associated with the risk of harmful clots, heart disease, and strokes.

BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!! Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 has been shown to boost vitamin D levels by more than 25%! Most people believe that cholesterol is the enemy, however, our bodies NEED cholesterol to form cell membranes and create very important hormones, amongst other things. The key is realizing that we need to lower our (“bad”) cholesterol known as LDL and raise our (“good”) cholesterol known as HDL.

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