Got Gut Issues? Try Bone Broth!

Bone broth is an ancestral recipe that is commonly used for healing various illnesses due to all its nutritional benefits, it can be drank like a soup or can be used as a flavor additive in foods. It’s very easy to make, it uses all parts of the animal (skin, feet, bones, marrow, tendons, and ligaments) and all vegetable scraps so there is no waste going toward greenhouse gases, and it helps our bodies in more ways than one! I began drinking it every morning to help improves my asthma and allergies.

Now you may be wondering how this is any different from chicken/beef broth that’s found in cans…?? SO MUCH!!! Broth that is found on the shelves have lost all their nutrients to maintain a shelf-life, so go for the fresh bone broth found in the frozen section or in the coolers at your grocery store! To make bone broth you’ll need a slow cooker to let everything simmer on low for 24 hours with the lid covered to obtain the highest amount of healing nutrients. If you are vegan or vegetarian you can totally just do this with vegetables too!

Add your preferred choice of meat bones, poultry, fish, or beef: clean all the bones and even the feet, go for a free-range, grass-fed, or wild caught meat, roast it in the oven at 450 degree for 20 minutes.

Add 2 carrots, 3 celery sticks, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, and 2 bay leaves to 4 quarts of water

Add 1 bunch of parsley 10 minutes before removing from heat

½ teaspoon salt, pepper, 1 inch ginger, and ½ lemon are optional

Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to help release the minerals from the bone marrow and other tissues. The longer you simmer it, the more collagen and gelatin is released from the bones to create a thicker consistency. Strain the stock, store it in the fridge and skim the fat!

So what are those healing nutrients you ask? The first 4 are amino acids that our body does produce in small amounts.







Chondroitin sulfates


Hyaluronic acid


So what do these do? These amino acids, minerals, and electrolytes help heal the digestive system by healing the gut lining and normalizing stomach acid (this is helpful to those with colitis, celiac disease, and ulcers), it protects joints from arthritis, and boosts the metabolism (weight loss!!). Collagen is good for hair, skin and nails (wrinkles occur because we lose collagen from our skin starting at the age of 20 and produce 1% less each year, so say goodbye to those wrinkles with bone broth!). It also boosts the immune system, it contains minerals such as sulphur, silicone, copper, potassium, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which benefits bone health. It helps reduce inflammation, promotes sleep, adrenal function and brain health. The bone marrow alone contains vitamins A and K, selenium, boron, manganese, zinc, omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, and iron which decreases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity related cancers. It assists in tissue and cell regeneration after a workout to heal muscles quicker and create new cells. It contains glutathione which helps repair tissues and helps detoxify the body by improving liver function along with glycine which are antioxidants. Glycine also improves cognitive performance, circulation in the brain, and improves mental health issues such as depression and anxiety while chondroitin can help with learning and memory.

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