How My Mental Health was Linked to Hormone Imbalances

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) is culturally accepted because it’s so common but it’s not normal for the body to feel that way, it’s a product of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Now that I look back in retrospect, in college I did once a month completely rage out for the most trivial things ever. I was a very unhealthy person in college, drinking coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, eating Wendy’s, Subway, and Domino’s Pizza almost every day.

It wasn’t until after college when I kept on the same happy go lucky attitude for 2 weeks out of the month and then absolute sadness, loneliness, anger, tiredness and paranoia, that my best friend and boyfriend Kevin, helped me realize that I had been PMSing hardcore because it was happening like a cycle.

It took me a while to be consciousness that the behavior patterns I was experiencing every month, all the negative and depressing thoughts, the anxious feelings of what is right or wrong, brain fog, confusion, fatigue, and lack of energy, which I figured was due to stress, was actually my body PMSing and sending me signs it was time for a deep healing on an emotional and physical level.

I couldn’t handle being mentally unstable every month, I was being unnecessarily mean to everyone around me that I loved, while also feeling guilt for not being able to spend time with them, it was contradicting emotions and too many all at once. It felt as if I had no filter but would instantly regret my words and actions because I knew what I was saying and doing was wrong but it felt uncontrollable.

Stress is a normal part of life, it’s inevitable, and it is how we react to it that determines our wellbeing. Once again I bring up my idol, Doctor Kelly Brogan, her book A Mind of Your Own like I’ve mentioned before links hormonal imbalances to intense PMS, with her recommended supplements, I began taking evening primrose oil and fish oil for brain wellness, magnesium and vitamin B12, L-theanine, N-acetyl cysteine, rhodiola, and turmeric for general wellness and maca root followed by chaste tree and inositol for hormonal imbalances. 

I researched why I was feeling like this, I literally googled “why am I always a bitch on my period?” and the forum the universe led me to was awesome because someone said “I also get mad at my boyfriend for things I usually would never get mad about and say things like word vomit” and I totally related and for the first time ever I felt like it wasn’t something that was wrong with me but I finally felt a community of women also felt the same way!

I would have really bad panic attacks and used to drink alcohol to cope, only that alcohol is a depressant and it would lead me to rage out in anger and so it only made the depression worse! Now I am so happy to say that after taking the reins on my emotions I no longer have extreme depression or anxiety during my 2 weeks of PMS, I will still cry to emotional shows, movies and songs but my emotions are much more balanced now. I used to feel anger and then sadness and then happiness, but bye bye to that roller coaster!!!

I still experience fatigue as well, however, I have come to terms with that it’s my time to rest and recover and I need to not push myself when I don’t need to be. It’s all a work in progress! I listened to Sahara Rose’s The Highest Self Podcast: Episode 149: Menstrual Wisdom with Nadine of Tantric Alchemy which really educated me further on the topic, it gave me a peace of mind that all the feelings felt are perfectly normal and that the menstrual flow is supposed to represent the flow of negative emotional blocks leaving your body, so listen to what your body has to say, its communicating with you.

A women’s menzies is a sacred time meant to grow from those anxious thought patterns. The thoughts are present but we are not these thoughts, we must observe these thoughts and work on ourselves to no longer have these negative emotions have a hold on us. Observe the energy, don’t absorb it! The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is one of the best books I have ever read, so many light workers recommended this book, including Aaron Doughty and the Holistic Psychologist (links in menu above) so I decided to read it and I finished it within 2 weeks because it was just so eye opening! In this book the author writes about how menstruation is an opportunity for enlightenment, because usually a woman is “taken over” by the pain-body which is just energy that pulls you into an unconscious state of being, it can occupy your inner space and pretend to be you but remember it’s not you! Your mind will create negative situations in your life so it can feed on that negative energy, however, it is just pain endured from the past. Remembering to stay present is so important in overcoming the negativity that can consume the mind, it’s been very essential in my healing. Meditation and reassuring myself that those negative thoughts will pass but they are not here to stay and ruin my day.

6 thoughts on “How My Mental Health was Linked to Hormone Imbalances

  1. Megan , you have explained everything so well . Very interesting and informative . This will be so useful to many and a real eye opener . Get ready for book writing assignments !! So proud of you !!! All the best

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