To Be Awake Or To Not Be Awake

I’m here to share with you information about health and spirituality. A lot of people may already know these things, I could just be late to the awakening, however, I would like to contribute this platform to spread knowledge to those interested in learning about self-healing. So seeds can be planted in minds worldwide and the paradigm shift in consciousness continues to expand.

What are we? What are we doing here? Where is here? What exactly is the universe? These are all questions that circulate in my mind at all times. Are we who we say we are based on who we think we are? Or are we just spiritual beings having a human experience? Are we just energy trapped in a meat suit for 90 years until we are released into space? When we get in tune with our bodies and the energy we are willing to receive from it, we discover the answers to these questions. But to achieve this, first the mind, body and spirit must be balanced, which can be done by eating right for your body, realizing what is happening in the world regarding food, health, the healthcare system, and the politics behind all three factors and making your own choices when it is regarding your own health.

Leave comments sharing your opinions, i’d like to know what everyone thinks about these topics. Lets use this platform to discuss the unbelievable, that healing is possible in HEALth.

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